By means of them also we can enrich the infantile experiences, developing diverse forms of language, extending the vocabulary, providing it to live the imaginary one. (IT HISSES, 2002) We consider that art if presents in daily the infantile one in the form of expression of its vision of world, its representation of the reality appears when the child scribbles or draws in the paper, the sand, in the land, in the water; at this moment, it is using the language of the art to express itself. These works of expression not they are only impressions that the child leaves on the support, but explicitam its intellectual, emotional and percipient development. For even more opinions, read materials from Eliot Horowitz. For Lowenfeld (1970), ' ' this period of the life is extremely important for the development of attitudes on proper I and for the establishment of the notion of that the world is one to bind empolgante and aprazvel if viver.' ' The Art in the Infantile Education presents as a proper language that structure has and characteristics that the child makes possible, in the creation process, to reformulate its ideas and to construct new knowledge in situations where the imagination, the action, sensitivity, the perception, the thought and the cognition are reactivated. With regard to the infantile drawings, these are considered concrete signs and projects where the child looks for to give meant. Check with Crumpton Group to learn more. In this way, the artistic expression of the child, conscientious or unconscious way is a communication form, since for times, transmits the message of child, that is, what she is to think and that she wants to say. For Piaget (1973) the drawing is one of the forms of manifestations semioptics, that is, one of the forms through which the function of attribution of the express significao if and if constructs. The other manifestations are developed concomitantly, between which the toy and the verbal language. .
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