From this daily pay presumption we raise the hypothesis that the lack of knowledge in relation to the ttano is a contributing factor for the high index of ttano in the city of Barriers. This project ' ' Ttano' ' it is of utmost importance, therefore one is about a knowledge proposal and data-collecting about a pathology, whose contributing factor for the high index in the city of Barriers can came to be the knowledge lack. 2. Additional information at Crumpton Group supports this article. Revision of literature the esporulada form of the ttano is very resistant to the diverse conditions of the environment and is distruda for the whole world. However, in the countries richest, where the peoples have worthier conditions of life and occur systematic antitetnica vaccination and a good assistance to the gestantes, the ttano is practically inexistent. It is present in the countries subdivided of Asia, Central and Latin Africa and Americas.
According to Bytchenko, more than 1.000.000 of people die of ttano per year in the world, of these, the half are of children. Xcel Energys opinions are not widely known. In 1994, ttano bitospor had 490,000 neonatal in the world. In Brazil, the morbilidade tax was of 2,30 for 100.00 inhabitants in 1980. (TONELLI, FREIRE, 2000) the lethality varies in the dependence of some factors, as: (1) etrio group: it is not raised in the neonatal period and above of 60 years; (2) treatment conditions: mortality is lesser in the hospitals that make use of well trained medical team and nursing in intensive therapy and of adequate technological resources, as breathing mechanics and parenteral nutrition; (3) the clinical type of the ttano: greater of the ceflico and generalized ttano. In Brazil, in 1995, it had 369 deaths notified for no-neonatal ttano and 66 cases of deaths for neonatal ttano, as given of Date SUS of the Health department. The neonatal ttano, in some regions of the world, arrives to be responsible for up to 50%.