Caching of data can help you speed up the site while reducing the load on the primary database server. There are three options for the Joomla global settings to control the caching. In this article we will tell you about general principle of caching mechanisms and present some significant examples, which are directed to choose the optimum time to cache. – The principle of caching when the first claim to the material or the module is saved as soon as all the data you have selected a specific files that are located mostly in the directory cache. Such a mechanism can guarantee you that the file names will never be able to cross with existing ones. Besides that, these files are cached objects as it contains additional information about this unique zakenirovannom object. The next time, the manager checks whether there is such an object under the same parameters.
For example, name, content, date of document creation and data modification. If that is not found, means any material change, or have not received yet keshirovku. If you are requesting an object and it does not exist in the cache, the user before displaying the data, they will be placed in the cache. But if such data from the cache already exists, then the program will check the creation date, creation time. If date and time will vary on a large interval, more than the lifetime of the cache, the object would have to cache again. The advantages of long-cache was found that the lifetime of the cache is approximately equal to 900 seconds or 15 minutes.