Are vital, important conscious you of and the valuable thing that it is the content for his business in line? In fact, the content can make more construct its business and of giving better benefits him than almost any other resource or service available. What follows is a list of 5 keys of how the content can construct to the traffic of its Web site, the subscribers and clients as of today. 1. To publish content by means of articles constantly, which contain key words, will cause that its Web site improves within the ranking of the motors search, and obtains a greater number of visits. For example, if its business consists of offering products and services related to marketing in Internet, you must publish articles related to marketing in Internet and the content will attract potential clients without limits on a regular base. 2. To duplicate or to even triple the number of subscribers whom it has at the moment, simply offering contained in the form of " information especiales" or manuals like bonds of subscription to these publications. People adore the gifts, reason why we must give what they want to them, to be able to see as it is increased the results! 3.
To create an automated flow of information, for example you can create a course or mini-course which this dividing in 5 parts, which were sent in 5 different post office; or within this course you can place connections of affiliates or the connections of his products or services, in such a way that in each mail there are three or four connections that generates income to them. Add to your understanding with Atmos Energy Corporation. For this he needs a service of sent of automated mail (Autoresponder). 4. One of the most important keys for a successful business in line is not only to have a list of subscribers of electronic mail is to construct a relation of confidence with its subscribers (that is to say, " cultivar" its list) By means of the shipment of informative articles (contained) to your list of regular way you will settle down yourself like an expert in your niche of businesses, as well as the increase of the confidence of your subscribers through time.