Each site to display it on the Internet hosting needs, then there is a place on a remote server where the site owner pump it all the files and where they are stored. When people visit your site, then browser displays the site as you see him at his local computer while the files are all of you away, and control at any given time you can not have. Let's start with the fact that hosting is divided into free and paid. I think to explain the essence of free hosting is not worth it and is free is free. Your domain name will look long and loudly, if you're trying to promote a project, promising people a decent income, you will not believe, just can not pay the hosting and domain name. Furthermore, free hosting for what would recoup their costs will hang on your web site to advertise and do not escape from. And yet, free Hosting does not provide you with the services that you find on paid hosting, and in fact some of them just needed to operate a quality site.
For example, free hosting does not like the so-called system CMS or CMS, and these sites are a great many. It should be noted that one plus a free hosting service is a plus, hosting, for example, "people" is available indefinitely. Two years ago, is still vebprogrammirovanie mastering, I posted on this site free hosting, he still hangs out there, with 2.1 visits per day, although I was consumed with the question how they get there, but oh well, we will assume this lyric digression from the topic. We now turn to paid hosting and immediately note its only disadvantage – for him to pay, but believe me, it's worth it. Now go to plus paid hosting. First, the service now paid hosting offers a lot of companies, because of their large number, we can find some very interesting suggestions on both prices and provided by tariff plans.