Energizing or mobilization of energy: The person mobilizes energy, ie, meets the strength or concentration necessary to carry out what needs demand. a 5) a Action: The practice is most important at this stage a, that is, the individual moves his body and does whatever is necessary to fulfill your need. a 6) a Contact: The culmination of the process is accomplished by reaching this stage, the person finds satisfaction and enjoys having achieved what he wanted. This phase ends when the individual experiences that are satisfied, and that feels well, you can start another cycle and say goodbye to you. a However, this cycle can be interrupted by the defense mechanisms of the individual, whatever presentandosea called blocks, which impede the pace and conclusion of the cycle, leaving open the Gestalt. This generates different reactions in the individual, which can lead to unbalance and that serves to explain the psychopathology, however, as this area of study is not related to the objective of this work, will not be discussed.
To the therapeutic utility of this theory has been tested on several occasions. Knowing what stage of the cycle the patient is blocked, is the work of therapy to make the person aware of your block and proceed to the next higher stage, ie approaching the end of the cycle, implies a greater knowledge of herself. Although at the end of one cycle is entering a stage of withdrawal, after the completion. It starts a new cycle. 5. 4. – The Gestalt therapist a Taking into account the characteristics of Gestalt therapy, one might say that the therapist’s tasks are as follows, according to Fagan, J.
And Shepard (1973): A – Pautamiento: Develops standards to meet with clients in psychotherapy. – Control: It is able to persuade the patient to follow the procedures laid down by him. – Power: Able to accelerate and bring about change in his patient, toward a positive direction. – Humanity: Ela therapist becomes involved in the therapeutic situation. The patient is interested in a personal and emotional level. -a a commitment to their profession: the experience a concomitant with the continued development of their understanding and ability. a All the considerations described above along the Theoretical Framework, have to reflect on the difficulties of people in their relationships with others within our society, a situation that any measure could be improved through training of assertive behavior, which in turn foster a more authentic communication with itself and with people with whom they relate, being thus possible to maintain productive and effective interactions. On this basis, emerges as an interest in seeing the group work would influence the development of assertive behavior and therefore a valid communication students. a In one group therapy approaches more to do with the assertiveness training is Laa teoriaa gestalt principles which promote the integral development of man, the authentic expression of their feelings in the here and now, and the ability to emit behaviors with those feelings and / or emotions. a In addition, the techniques applied in gestalt psychotherapy allows a wide variety of group experiences and experiences in this, that facilitate awareness of individual problems, as well as the possibility to handle them or modify them. These techniques include the a tecnicas expresivasa , which seek to increase assertive behaviors to communicate.