To look at the place, to understand what it happens, necessarily demand that the pupil obtains to abstract from this reality of the place, learning to teorizar. This requires that the pupil abstracts and contextualize the phenomena, constructing the picture of referencial ampler than it allows it to advance for one analyzes more criticizes, understanding that the place reflects the world globalizado. On the basis of Saints (1996): ' ' Each place is its way mundo' ' (252); ' ' Each place is, at the same time, object of a global reason and a local reason, coexisting dialeticamente' '. (p.273). These citations send in them to reaffirm the importance not to work with the broken up spaces, that dislocate the agreement possibility of what he is being considered. For Cavalcanti it is basic that: ' ' So that the pupils understand the spaces of its daily life, that if had become extremely complex, is necessary that they learn to look at, at the same time, for ampler and global context, of which all are part, and for the elements that characterize and distinguish its context global' ' (2008: 43) Advancing in this line of argument it can be affirmed that to studying Geography in the Initial Series confides the way to establish the bases of learning of this disciplines. These bases can be identified by the developed abilities to observe, to describe, to analyze and to enunciate a critical spirit regarding the reality where the pupil lives.
Also the abilities of orientation, localization and representation that are functions important in the life of any citizen to place itself in the world where live. CONCLUSION the education of Geography in the school must be pautado by the access of the pupils to the knowledge produced for the humanity so that they can understand the world where they live. To know the information, to obtain to understand it and to contextualizar the phenomena in the set of the globalizado world, understanding place as the reproduction of these processes in determined times and spaces is an objective.