History The program was developed by John S. Hoffman, inventor of EPA programs, and implemented by Cathy Zoi and Brian Johnson. The program was intended to be part of a series of voluntary programs, such as low power lights and programs to reduce methane emissions, which would demonstrate the economic and environmental benefit of investing in products and low-power and pave the way to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. It began as a voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote products for energy efficient elconsumo, and computer products were the first to be labeled. It has since expanded to larger applications, office equipment, lighting, white goods, brown, etc. . You can also find the tag in some new residential, commercial and industrial.The EPA estimates that about 10,000 have saved billions of dollars in energy costs until 2004. Energy Star has also been the driving force behind the extensive use of traffic lights with LEDs, efficient lighting using fluorescent lamp, energy saving systems in equipment office, and lower consumption of electrical brown goods (TVs, music channels, etc.). in sleep mode (stand by).
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