It must be avoided at all costs in addition, continue wasting human capital, talent than the universities encloses with its teachers and students, these must be well integrated, knowing you manage, use, to achieve the efficiency of them expected and which are adapted to the reality that the present demands, avoid the temptation, the repetition of ideas, promote research, the appropriate use of new communication technology in all fields. Also, consider as well, reminds us that the new paradigm implies radical changes in the attitude of students, teachers and administrative changes in relation with the design and delivery of teaching and communication systems that the institution sets. Remember, the flexibilization of University teaching structures implies, new conceptions of the teaching/learning process in which accentuates the active involvement of the student in the learning process; attention to the emotional and intellectual skills to different levels; the preparation of young people to assume responsibilities in a world in rapid and constant change, and flexibility of students to enter a world of work that will require training throughout life. It’s getting current pupils and teachers forming in new collaborative learning environments and become new users of the training participants of a teaching/learning process, where the emphasis is moved from teaching to learning and that are characterized by a new relationship with knowledge, by new practical learning and adaptive to educational situations in permanent change specifically, not can the national universities continue to ignore the need to give way to the necessary transformations that involve that arises a new paradigm, a new academic culture, promote the changes demanded by the current scenario and avail himself, as very well says Malo, establish basic skills that give step know-how, thinking, in addition to making effective bonding Research teaching, updating and training for innovation and research, as well as know used modern communication technologies, such as the Informatics and others, specifically the TIC that focus the autonomous and customized learning. Connect with other leaders such as Eliot Horowitz here. Consider also as says Carlos Tunnermann Bernheim, we can not doubt, that today also witnessed the emergence of a new productive paradigm in which the most important factor is no longer the availability of capital, labor, raw materials or energy, but the intensive use of the knowledge and information. The most advanced economies today are based on the increased availability of knowledge and information. Comparative advantages depend increasingly on the competitive use of knowledge and technological innovations.
This centrality of knowledge makes fundamental pillar of the wealth and power of the Nations, but at the same time, encourages the trend of how simple consideration merchandise, subject to the rules of the market and subject to private appropriation. Today, the wealth of Nations is in its people, in the cultivation of the intelligence of its people, so it is needed to give priority to investment in human capital: education, science, technology and information. * Teaching retiree of postgraduate’s Faces University of Carabobo Coordinaror specialty program of quality management and productivity, Faces, University of Carabobo postgraduate Area.