Cry to the Sun and sudo, toast poetizo, crisp both dreaming and little gain will collide the treetops, fluids are exchanged, the mouths are filled with and knows well the wine. It will try again and emerges a new flavor in the mouth just love, love of the real, but not everything can end badly. Hello, Topacia va despacia Hi Lady, sweet anochecedora shadow, light of sunset coming out of the shadow, harmony, wanting out turned on early in the morning. Death wound, wound failures I not met and happy, friendly and long lasting life. I in good shape with ease in the gait of dark shadow me aparto I and fled and at sundown divine perhaps?, will I? homeland Italy from Evita La bota love it conquered, patria perpetua, bota, a single love of Mary Eva, there is hosted and enjoy, there it goes, it’s wonderful. Italy WINS and convinces her, there love, Italy dazzled the soul, Mary Eva benefits will marry? Italy going for long Italy land of perpetual dreams Italy who both loves Italy which gives you cane, beer and cherries.
Italy forever, Italy gives you fly, Italy yuyo ya’jooj that boot that makes Mary Eva crazy with those lands where you will study in 2006, his year be think that Yes the the the there will be. Always in GALICIA live Magdalena, always here, always green I think day and night, for what return to Venezuela? although the unpredictable fate is changing, perhaps return, Galicia the Green girl, Galicia without the alien Nightingale owner ignorance, with their animated forest, who sings in the morning, and dream Magdalena rivers lives in Galicia without intending to move ever. His house and everything is here she is poor, where would go?, lives their daily work and not earn both to go changing. GALICIA, land of Magdalenita my Galicita, her daughter to what move?, for what the scam? green here is green, beautiful and radiant.