(c) are sensitive, sensors, sensitive. (d) practice an adult empathy. (e) they dare to be different. (f) they understand the complexity of strategic processes. (g) the leader can be narcissistic but isn’t the wizard of Oz. (h) the leader knows and manages the emotional intelligence for themselves and for others. Worthy of note in these characteristics some aspects in some of them, which we consider bear in mind and featuring very well them blacksmiths, such as: when a leader shows its weaknesses it creates a stream of confidence and it helps that his followers feel more comfortable, in the same boat.
If shown perfect, invulnerable, not It would take anyone, their employees would not help you. However, need much courage, much strength to be displayed as well. Another aspect is that the leaders have the ability to capture and interpret non-numeric data (by supposed also the numerical), little quantitative and highly qualitative; they read keys and clues and feelings not expressed. They can assess whether interpersonal relationships work or not. They detect the silences and subtle information.
But being a sensor also can create problems. Among them the project their thoughts and, with it, the possibility of distorting the truth. For example a little uncouth, an employee sees that his boss is distracted and can interpret that his superior does not have you in mind because it will dismiss him. It is necessary that compose what is perceived through sensors in reality. Good leaders to spare know they have to worry about their employees, reminds us of blacksmiths and perhaps confused empathy with sympathy. Be empathetic does not agree but rather to understand what is being said from where it is said: I understand what you are saying and from what position or assumptions do you. Adult empathy is to give people what they need, not what they want. When it is, takes into account at once both personal and group needs as the task that the company has to comply.