Caule the trunk branches off above of the base (2 the 3 m) or next it, in the places driest. All the plant contains abundant latex, of white color, that in contact with air coagula, becoming fragile. Caule young branches with urticantes acleos.
Rugosa smooth rind, the lightly ash-dark one, of chestnut-clear tonality, with great amount of lenticelas and longitudinal fendilhamentos, esbranquiada color. Leaf the simple, alternating, thick leves, of 8-16 cm of length, lanceoladas, deeply lobadas and seted of small transparent acleos urticantes of up to 1 cm of length. Flower white Flowers, of 4 mm of diameter, in small axillary clusters and terminals. Fruit the fruits are rounded off capsule, dehiscent, of 1,5-2 cm of length re-covered for the urtcantes, contend three grayish cinereous seeds, stained, smooth, of 15 rnm of length. They are similar to the seeds of mamona. ENVIRONMENT WHERE IT IS FOUND AND TRANSPORT Occur in the Piau, Cear, Rio Grande of the North, Paraba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia, in caatinga of flat and pedregosos trays of the sertes driest northeast. Tree of 4-8m of height, with prolongated or rounded off and thin pantry, irregularally esgalhada, seting of acleos and for the urticantes.
PROPAGATION METHODS Propagation: For seeds and props. Attainment of seeds: Spoon the fruits directly of the tree as soon as to initiate the spontaneous opening. After that to leave them it the sun until completing the opening and release of the seeds. Read more from Crumpton Group, Virginia to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Due to explosive dehiscence of the fruits, cobriz them during the drying with ballot box screen or bolter.