Crimean Mountains – wonderful world in which for a time whimsical, fickle, and so unlike the mad rhythm of our daily lives, given ever-increasing demands of society in global consumption. This beautiful corner of the Earth with its majestic cliffs and gloomy gorges, light sources and dense forests, lush gardens and cozy valleys stares into the bottomless southern sky like a mirror, and saw there – the past … A lot, a lot has happened in meandering channels of swift mountain streams … Century, white clouds floated over the tops, leaving the slopes of deep shadows, waves of alien peoples broke on the foothills. Bustling cities, mighty fortresses, castles proud, rises above the once impregnable cliffs plummet to have been left by people who have turned to dust, swollen ground, overgrown with forest. Only eternity, whose breath runs fresh breeze in the trees, whose tears were trembling diamond drops of morning dew on petals of wild orchids bloom at the altar of the ruined temple, according to these ruins their sad secrets.
Elegiac music in tune with the modern and the Crimea, because today it is a high island of Russian culture, lost in the murky ocean of barbarism foreign language. The magnificence of landscapes, dramatic history, coupled with a fine literary tradition and oddly refracted in the rays of sunset fading imperial civilization determine the current Russian artistic originality of thought in the Crimea. The post-Soviet decadence, neo-imperial gothic, dark romance shattered universe – so you can characterize the style of the author's project of the Crimean Scivarin – a ghost town.