High class villa community implies a developed infrastructure and a large amount of infrastructure increases the attractiveness to buyers. However, excessive growth of infrastructure implies in a significant increase in monthly maintenance charges, which could adversely affect the pace of sales. Infrastructure cottage settlement – are objects that provide the villagers comfortable life countryside and increase the cost of the project as a whole. To date, the most in demand towns, which have the necessary infrastructure. However, the concept of "necessary" is quite vague and mostly part depends on the class in which positioned the project.
For example, for the village economy-class developers are limited to the protection, cleaning and garbage disposal. Cost of households with the service varies from 500 to $ 1,400 per square meter. m. This range now offers virtually every developer in the country market. For more high-class towns where the cost of home ownership can not exceed $ 5 million, a minimum set includes Children's Center, sports and playgrounds, shops in walking distance, as well as furnished pleasure zone. The concept of "maximum set" in this case is limited to a flight of fancy real estate developer and its budget. In end settlement may include a large number of infrastructure facilities such as public malls, minimarkets, shops and restaurants, children's entertainment centers, private schools and kindergartens, yacht clubs, golf clubs, ski parks, to extreme avtovozhdeniya, tennis courts and horse riding clubs, helipads, beautiful beaches, fine flower beds, trees and lawns, gardens, ponds, and so on.