Reasons for construction expertise can be different. This can be a comprehensive survey of buildings to the subsequent reconstruction with a change in structural layout of the building. In this case, answer questions about what constructions need to be replaced and which can be used without modification, to justify the need for calculations of various events and activities. Of literacy and qualitative performance of technical inspection of the building depends on the amount of work to be carried out before the start of reconstruction, how many additional projects should be developed, and as a consequence, financial expense of the investor. Also, the need for the survey may occur when designing a new building in close proximity to existing buildings.
In this case you need to gather all necessary information about existing buildings, a survey of foundations and to investigate their underlying soils. Also, photographed and recorded on a chart all the defects in the buildings surrounding the building spot, which allows insure you against claims of biased by their own on the results of these studies performed a mathematical simulation, assessing the impact of new construction on existing buildings. One of the reasons for of the construction expertise of the building – the appearance of defects and deformities in the supporting structures. In this case it is necessary to conduct complex investigations, to identify the causes of their appearance and voice recommendations to address. The range of work, as a rule, be sure to include a survey of foundations and soil foundation. Survey of the foundations of the building is carried out in test pits. Places pits are planned based on local conditions and the state .Vo time work on the survey of the building, as well as after the development and implementation of recommendations for addressing the identified strains, in case of need carried out high-precision geodetic monitoring work to predict the future situation, and prevent the development of sverhdopustimoe strains.
Inspection of buildings leased or purchased a property held to determine their actual condition. Of the total physical deterioration of buildings and some of its elements depend on the cost of future owners to repair, and perhaps to strengthen building structures. Also, if necessary, should conduct survey operations, aimed at identifying the compliance of the claimed area of the actual property. Examination of buildings whose designs have been exposed to accidents and fires, carried out for find the proper list of works to be carried out to further safe operation of the building. The complexity of the survey data of buildings is the possibility of the presence of defects that are invisible when visual inspection, and hidden in the building structures. To carry out this type of expertise needed a great experience, a thorough knowledge of building structures and the effects of exposure to those or other aggressive factors. And most importantly, a clear definition of areas in building structures that require detailed and extremely thorough study.