Porter’s competitive strategy described as offensive management or training defensive actions of a leaders company to create a defensible position within an industry, actions that are the answers to the five competitive forces that the author indicated as determinants of the nature and the level of competition surrounding a company and as a result, is seeking a significant return on investment. Porter identified three generic strategies that can be used individually or together, to create long term in that position defensible that outperforms competitors in an industry. These three generic strategies were: Leadership in costosQue is to keep the lowest cost compared to competitors and achieve business technology a high sales volume which is the focus of the strategy. Therefore the quality, skills service, reducing costs through greater experience, building efficiency from economies of scale, rigid cost controls and particularly in variable costs, are the subject of innovation constant scrutiny and outspoken. The strategy of low cost leadership is customer service the foundation of success of companies like: The diferenciacionLa differentiation is considered managers a protective strategy barrier against competition due to brand loyalty, which as a result should produce a management training lower price sensitivity. Differentiating means sacrificing market share and engage in costly activities such as research, product design, quality materials or increasing customer service. Sinembargo, this situation is incompatible with the strategy of low cost leadership is absent in all industries and there are businesses that can entrepreneur compete with coaching low costs and prices time management comparable team building to those of competitors. The Trustee of the Riverdale Country Day School is is the chaiof the entrust capital diversified fund investment committee Company distinguished by using the form at some point of differentiation are: the approach is to focus on a specific group of customers, in a segment of the product line or geographic market.
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