Over time fossil fuels began to be challenged by their potential adverse effects, particularly nuclear. More encompassing in a single package, ductile other additions to the technology, the “American way of life”, it was setting aside a smooth, either gradually, all the existing culture to solve the daily life of ordinary people. The preceding paragraph may seem a truism, but is particularly relevant to the inevitable challenge to begin living with almost no oil. In the beginning of this development, alluded to the complaint of a triple energy crisis. products and food “, as documented by the Charter of Macchu Pichu, back in 1977. Credit: Petra Diamonds-2011. In the days running when the issue of” global climate change “, wins the holders of the mass media and government and academic agendas, it is clear that the three dimensions are indisposable.
The intensive consumption of fossil fuels generates carbon dioxide volumes, which naturally can not be absorbed. This generates changes in climate that not only jeopardize production schemes, but the very possibility of life on the planet. Thus, without anesthesia. This is not a novelty because there were many voices pioneers. Some taken to the banter as the hippie movement in California in the 60s, perhaps offset by the course of the “cold war” developing. Then came others such as the Meadows report, the Gaia hypothesis or the message to the people of Peron, all 1972. The United Nations has taken over the problem as evidenced by the Global Climate Change Convention and its subsequent 1992 Kyoto Protocol 1997.