If you are looking for an agency with good reputation, find out how often it is mentioned in the media and the Internet, whether a member of professional organizations. Also note that the opinions and feedback from customers, the presence of positive or negative rumors, the quality and duration of advertising campaigns. Visit our website to find out the number of visitors, information, and the regularity and frequency of updates. Most agencies on the market today guarantees high quality work. If this statement is true, then the percentage of repeat orders from customers and the closure of vacancies is high at low rate of replacement candidates during the warranty period. An important characteristic of the employment agency is its industry specialization, that is, the range of occupations, which focuses its main activities. When choosing a contractor must make sure that this parameter it corresponds to the profile of your company.
Only under this condition, the agency will have an extensive database of candidates to open your stance. Otherwise, you will have to rely solely on luck. In addition to the division by sectors, the agency specializes in recruitment certain level. For example, there are companies picking administrative or production staff, or exclusively concerned with finding senior managers (the agency executive search). It is therefore worth wary of the agency that has a large variation in the vacant positions (from workers to CFOs).
Please attention to several points concerning the cost of services of agency: a scheme for payment is made, what is the budget for recruitment, whether the company without payment, as well as a maximum percentage required for a company Closing. Most staffing firms seek compensation in the amount of 1 to 2 month of salary. When looking for employees in key positions should not use the services of agencies offering services at low prices. Such companies are likely working line method and are engaged exclusively in sending resumes, so rare to find a specialist or senior managers are unlikely to. Agencies providing high-quality services, be sure to invest in the development of their business, so the cost of their services is higher than the average market. Become more familiar with the recruiting agency, make sure that it has clear, well-adjusted and transparent scheme of work with the client. Necessary to have customer feedback and regular reports on progress and preliminary results. Professional recruitment company necessarily provide a guarantee on their work. Typically, a recruitment agency offering free to replace the candidate within 90 days. Such a measure as the speed of order execution is also important, but to unrealistic promises should be viewed with caution. The fact that the technology recruiting includes a sequence of actions and takes from 2 to 4 and sometimes up to 8 weeks. More quickly force the consultant to or otherwise violate the technology, which ultimately affects the outcome. Finally, professional agency usually provides the flexibility to work with clients, so it often offers additional features such as discounts at the order of a few specialists, subscription service for regular customers, etc. We hope that these tips will help you make the right choice!