Boon or burden for the land owner? Commonly refers to a line which determines the size and shape of a parcel of land under a border. Finding this line requires the identification and formal setting and also the recognition by the neighbours. This procedure is heritage in local land since the time of the Saxons (about 1220) and found its expression in the civil code. The cadastral surveying is meant. In the Prussian Kingdom cadastral surveying procedures were further developed and helped using the documented survey results after the turn to their right to ownership of the land many land owners. Thanks to the survey results, the shortcomings of the ownership system of the former GDR could be mitigated or overcome and ownership re transferred. Off and on, depending on the political mood, this formal, but proven procedure in a reform debate is dragged to abolish it for cost reasons. Is this discussion about costs only a superficial reasoning and distracts from the actual facts.
The cadastral management is one of the specificities of our social system and secures the property. Therefore, it is logical that the property owner assumes the surveying costs for changes in inventory (identification of the border, demarcation and building). The cost of cadastral management (data management and deployment) are then to assign the guarantee function of (fulfilling public tasks) of the State. Modern Prozessablaufe to define and install (E.g. ALKIS, automated real estate and cadastral information system) are core task of State management to integrate survey results in a timely manner in the cadastre. The technical discussion of reform have done rest in the past exaggerated standards of accuracy and prevents rapid procedures, and costs increased. The previous certainty of land will give up when in a misguided reform discussion on the abolition of the Survey process will be discussed by borders and buildings (surveying).
It is that collection of modified data of of based on so far is paid by the polluter and must be collected discontinuation of this survey process in a different way by the State and financed deflected it. The cost would be covered then purely from taxpayer money. Streamlining of processes to speed up the administrative procedures is a central demand of the BDVI (Federal of publicly appointed surveyors) so that loan documents faster could be made available. The quality of the measurement results should not be diminished. The conversion of the property map from an analogue to a digital representation has not substantially improved the proof of ownership, but only to another medium, and made more meaningful by colour differentiation. A waiver of a secure data survey (the survey of boundaries and buildings) would have consequences in legal security, but not on the representation and the medium. The cost argument is only fed. The surveying costs about 1% of the construction or acquisition costs. They were very well arranged funding for the creation and protection of legal interests. A waiver of cadastral surveying is a path into the jungle of the legal dispute on the border. Cadastral surveying creates transparency and legal certainty in the real estate and is therefore a cost and blessing for the owner at the same time. Dr.-ing. H. Brauer