Moreover, the price of sales of the electronic games for funny cellular telephony around 10 Reals, while downloads for PC' s costs up to 45 Reals. Without counting the value of the games for consoles, that can arrive 200 Reals more than each. 2 the Brazilian Situation With the mission to promote the market of games in Brazil, was established in April of 2004 the Brazilian Association of the Desenvolvedoras de Electronic Jogos, the ABRAGAMES. It enters the incentives for the sector is the accomplishment of the BRGAMES, a program in partnership with the Ministry of the Culture, that has as objective to foment the development of the electronic games and the propitious environment creation in Brazil, beyond its participation in the external market. Due to increasing piracy in Brazil, mainly in what it refers to the games for consoles, the sales for the Internet, saw download and for the mobile market, that is, for cellular telephones, they have obtained to reach bigger profits each time, has seen that had to its value to be very lesser in comparison with the games for consoles and PC' s, also its users propitiate satisfactory entertainment.
Inside of this niche, what more he has called the attention the desenvolvedores, even though great companies as Nintendo and the Tec Toy, they are the accidental games. These are simple and unpretentious games, but they captivate its public for the jogabilidade and possibility using of them as it passes time at leisure moments. The market of development of accidental games still little is explored in comparison to the one of the industry of the electronic games for consoles. This if must to the existing limitations in the hardware of the mobile devices, therefore resources as memory, permanent storage and energy is abundant in computers traditional, but precious in small devices, as (KEOGH 2003), making it difficult the creation of games with bigger competitive quality.