They construct its world of things, from the materials and residues spread for the world. In these debris, them they recognize the face that the world of the things it assumes for them, and alone for them. The accepted child perfectly the serious things, same most abstract and weighed, since that they are honest spontaneous. (BENJAMIN, 2002, p.237) and she is exactly with Benjamin that we can exemplificar that to the children they are capable beings. Click Crumpton Group to learn more. They construct from residues or leftovers, therefore she is in the poetry, that infancy establishes new relations and combinations.
With the children, she is possible to change the route of the things or same the concept that if had (or if it has) of infancy. In place to manipulate concepts (as before), the poetry explored the potentialities of the verbal substance: the noise and the rhythm of the untied words. In this way, in general, the brief poems please the infantile ears. The estimated ones of Benjamin had taken in them to carry through a work with poetries, being had as objective to raise, from the reading of the poetries of Manuel Flag, the resources of that if they are valid the poet to promote the production and the child poetical. The poems had been removed of the volume My first verses: Berimbau and other poems. According to Nelly Novaes (2000), ' ' a project that contemplates the poetry, must have the conception of infancy clearly and enxergar literature and music as a phenomenon of linguagem' ' , to establish relations between literature, history and culture to understand the reading as a dialogue between reader and the text and to see the school as culture space. We believe the power of the poetry and music to despertarem in the child the taste for the reading through the fancy, of the emotion of the sound and image that they produce.