This is a serious technology with possible complications as a multi-level technique and can cause movement of the energy blocks in the body. Nausea, asthma and seizures, should not be scared, because this way the body gets rid of the locks on the path of energy flow. At the end of the session to join hands in front of the chest to close the loop. Perform month. 4.
Foot connection. Similarly, the connection of hands, but he did not have the energy to send, you need to enable it to move independently. Performed while lying down. 15-30 minutes if possible every day for a month. Noting how the energy moves. 5. The combination of all centers of the spine. To do this, practitioners sit back to back, neck and connecting the entire surface of the back.
Inhaling done simultaneously with the rise in energy from the earth through the crotch, then she is on the back between the shoulder blades to the place, there is a small breath, then breath continues to show power to the head and on to the third eye. Holding your breath and exhalation begins with the lowering of energy in front body surface to the point below the navel. Here again a little breath, then exhale continues and ends with the occurrence of energy in the crotch. It is believed that this kind of power gives rise to compounds karmic connection. Make regular time once a week. 6. The last type of connection, the connection of sexual centers. Practitioners are to each other on your lap, hold hands and deflected the most backward, holding each other’s hands, connecting Svadhisthana, the head is deflected back. We must find the balance point. Here, too, the energy should move itself. You should only watch. The only drawback of these practices is that they need to spend time and effort, the participants must be physically present, it means that the virtual evolution will not work. For those who want fast results, they will not fit.