You can find similarities with the control children and be interesting as a playing partner. So, for example, the application developed by Indiginox colours & numbers dice helps”in many games. This is It is can be rolled to a cube, with the iPad. Physically disabled children and also autistic children are not able to use a traditional die because they lack the three-dimensionality or tension release do not allow. With the iPad cube they can participate with the other children at Dice Games. “And the game programmed by Indiginox colour clouds”, as the Board game Balloni “in many institutions is available, allows you to a common game and trained eye hand coordination. This was a big step for the integration of the children.
The educator go even one step further and talk about a successful step in the inclusion, which now from the outset refers to the disadvantaged children and makes them as equal partners. The objective of participation in society is an important task, which manages here excellent therapy. Both applications were already tested by Indiginox in the Apple AppStore and can be downloaded from there. After which the test so successful, we’ve decided to donate four more iPads in the nursery, so that a device can be used in each group. We wanted to return have always been some of our success to the company and this is a reasonable opportunity that gives us much pleasure for us”, so Ashley Steele and Matthew Langham, both CEO of Indiginox, which have further applications in the planning. Karl-Heinz Wiegard, head of the St. Christophorus child day centres is also enthusiastic about the concept and describes this therapeutic application using the iPad as a one of the most innovative concepts.
We among the first facilities in whole Germany, who can work as”, he says proudly. In comparison to other computer-based systems, this is much cheaper and more versatile. The iPad is easier to use for the children and staff”, so Walton next. Indiginox Indiginox is a consulting and services company for mobile solutions. Indiginox provides Support for the technology and strategy consulting to software development and project management. Indiginox international customers include well-known companies such as Vodafone and BP. Indiginox was founded in 2006 by Matthew Langham and Ashley Steele. The headquarters is located in Paderborn, Germany. About the St. Christophorus children’s Day Center under the sponsorship of the Caritas-run kindergarten St. Christophorus has existed since 1968. Originally operated as a pure curative kindergarten, the institution is also rule children since 1995. Today, there are 65 children in care, including 20 rule children, 28 children with physical disabilities and 17 children with language disabilities from the whole district of Paderborn in the kindergarten. In the facility, educators, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, curative teachers and language curative teachers worry about the welfare of children. These are supported by trainees, graduates of a voluntary social year and federal volunteers, as well as a cook. For more information, we are at the Available: Indiginox GmbH Ashley Steele Matthew Langham Frankfurt way 6 33106 Paderborn phone: 05251-699977-0 E-Mail: St. Christophorus kindergarten Karl-Heinz Wiegard Salomonson Lagerstrasse 181 33104 Paderborn Senne stock phone: 0 52 54 42 04