The average percentage of black professors in the Brazilian public universities does not arrive 1%, in a country where the blacks are 45.6% of the total of the population, in accordance with the Manifesto for the Law of Quotas and the Statute of the Equality. 2. A series of official data systemize by the IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) in the year of 2001, summarizes the standard Brazilian of racial inaquality: for 4 uninterrupted generations, black and medium brown they have counted with little escolaridade, little wage, little access to the health, less index of job, worse conditions of housing, when contrasted with the whites and Asians. Studies developed in recent years for other state organisms, as the MEC, the INEP, and the CAPES, demonstrate clearly that the social and economic ascension in our country passes necessarily for the access to superior education, therefore the system of quotas if makes necessary, therefore it serves as instrument to raise auto-esteem of the people afro-Brazilian, guaranteeing the access of the people in inferiorizadas conditions to the university. 3.
Ajustia and the moral imperative of this cause (system of quotas/affirmative actions) had found resonance in the last governments, what it resulted in concrete public politics, such as: the creation of the Inter-ministerial Work group for the Valuation of the Black Population, of 1995, in the FHC government; the first affirmative actions in the scope of the Ministries, 2001; the creation of the Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Politics of the Racial Equality (SEPPIR), in 2003, in the government Squid; e, finally, the proposal of the current projects of law that establish quotas for deriving blacks of the public school in all the Brazilian federal universities, and the Statute of the Racial Equality. This in the sample that such measures has in the data excellent results. 4. The affirmative actions, as an important mechanism in the construction of the racial equality, already are reality in innumerable multi-ethnic and multi-racial countries, as Brazil.