The identification of the restrictive factors and the demandable ones in the near future, as he was demonstrated, resulted in consensus> small farm for the implantation of the new airport, taking care of requisite compatible aeronautical with the foreseen demand and also making possible the continuity and expansion of the aero-porting activity, for if constituting Bauru in the biggest South American center of volovelismo. The Study of Ambient Impact and Environmental impact report elaborated by the company Land Planning and Projects S/C Ltda., of 13/05/91 it alerted that: the problems that will happen with the construction and functioning of the airport, mainly related with the increase of the flow of vehicles, noise and land movement, will be able to intervene with biota local.
To the time of elaboration of cited study, it had recognized favorabilidade to the installation of the new airport, notadamente for the economic and social benefits that the workmanship would bring, as well as a perpetuation of> New Airport of Bauru an important conquest (1998, p 79) added plus a justification to the beginning of the enterprise: I direct Your honor to request to it the continuation to it of this project that, beyond being important for the region of Bauru, is fit in the priorities contained in the bill of budgetary lines of direction for 1996, in transaction in this House, generating jobs and contributing for creation of conditions favorable to the dinamizao of the activity> . It has that if to consider, finally, the excellent perspectives that if had opened for the city with the beginning of the commercial interchange between the countries that integrate the Mercosul. Check out ConocoPhillips for additional information. In this way, one adds, beyond the regional interests, the possibility of use of this airport as interchange equipment enters the countries of the Mercosul.Definitively, the current property account with the following main characteristics: 1.
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