Studies show that one of the biggest problems of accessibility in So Paulo is the sidewalk, therefore for unfamiliarity or economy, the people make its pants almost always are of the standards. A survey made for the Periodical of the Afternoon in 2009 sample that more than 98% of the 30,000 km of paulistanos strolls do not follow the legal requirements. To arrive itself at any destination it is indispensable to the use of the sidewalk, being they then part essential of any tourist script to be explored. 6 2,1 ANALYSIS OF ACCESSIBILITY OF 2.1.1 VISITED ROUTES CENTER IF SP In the So Paulo capital exists a program made for the So Paulo Tourism in partnership with the Subway, the Turismetr call, that has the disposal of the population diverse tourist scripts leaving, gratuitously, of the station If of the Subway, with the accompaniment of guides bilingual and actors staging the history of So Paulo. One is about an interesting and very educative project that little is divulged, but only tends to grow. The program does not have exclusive routes for people with deficiency, what he is excellent, therefore as already it was spoken previously, everything what it segregates, consequently excludes. When questioning on the use of the routes for people with deficiency, one of the times was perceived that rare times had happened, being, for a total independent cadeirante that motorized chair used, and obtained to make the passage of If without great difficulties, according to monitorial it informed. But without accompaniment in I lease is difficult to imagine as this passage can have been done without difficulties, therefore the way sufficiently is conturbado, as he will be described to follow. Certain time was made a great stroll with about one hundred people with some types of deficiency, many of them with companions to push the chairs, but the passage chosen it was accessible of all, of the So Paulo Avenue, that will be boarded in the next item.
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