Monthly Archive: May 2019


We attended the huge growth of social networks with azoro. We see them increasing their presence on the internet, almost without exception, as who sees the flood of a river, shaken by the force of the waters, but that currently does not ask if climate change was causing them, but is immersed in the breathtaking view of the waters dragged everything in its path. But to interact efficiently, in terms of sales, it is necessary to understand the rationale for them a little. The success of social networks, is, precisely, that man is a social being by nature. Social networks are the ideal escape for an individual ever more isolated in the real thing, with increasingly more fears, and more reticence to a face-to-face relationship with others, which has been transformed into a live in relationship. Participate in social networks is based on pleasure.

Enter on Twitter, or on Facebook to see the news, is an experience of pleasure. Nobody is logged to read reviews, or find out about unpleasant news. It is how to make a ping from our team, we sent 4 packages, and we hope to return without errors. User question are there? to your contacts, and, in general, everyone responds. Who raises an alternative via social networks for your business, not can lose sight of this concept, as basic, almost childish, but nodal.

Who enters to the page in the social networks of any brand or website, also does it with that criterion, the feeling that you belong, which is part of a community. And the only way to build online community is being interactive. So, if you plan to remove multiple accounts, and devote himself to perform automated postings with some service as the Onlywire, think again. Little will serve it, except for the links to your site that achieves, while banned by spam may not be. The idea must be very different. Their goal, to enter the fascinating world of social networks, must be to create community. But not only this, but lead your community. Motivate regular interactions and, at the same time, benefiting from the same. Perhaps the immediate benefit is not reflected in an increase of the volumes of sales in the short term. The strategy with social networks must have reasonable goals raised to medium and long term. Wanting to hasten this natural process of building an online community and generation of a favorable reputation, simply not filed the proposed results. All employers, large or small scale, have reached agreement on something: should have a presence on social networks, for the simple reason that there is where most of our leads are at this time. But it is necessary to define an action plan sustainable, forward-looking. Remember that it is never possible to have a second chance to make a favorable first impression. So, if you going to do, do it well. Create community, plant the seed, and you will see within a reasonable time, achieved brand presence, will increase its target, and by decanting, your sales will increase. Any PPC campaign can promise you this organic elposicionamiento that the effective presence in social networks achieves. It is only a question of hard work, as everything.

Intelligent ISO Control

The audience just loves adventure stories about the famous 007. Men want to be just as attractive and purposeful, as the fictional British spy and a woman – confident and able to get to truth. The image of James Bond for many years is in itself interest, including those from manufacturers of electronic goods. Not so long ago, Sony released a brilliant collection for covert investigations – Sony Limited Edition 007 TX Spy Gear includes laptop, camera and built-in flash memory. Instantly adventurers-mods fell in love with a stylish spy accessory! In the same way the company went to Panasonic, remembering about the level of technical equipment of the 007, the firm produces launched a new camera Lumix DMC-LX3. Stylish rookie survived not only internal technical changes, but also acquired a trendy vintage look. The most important advantage of the new LX3 – its extensibility.

The lens can install an optional wide conversion attachment, compact flash GN22 or use the ND-PL-filters, all this will create a unique multi-functional system, so that all the surrounding area will be in Focus skillful spy. Aluminum high-end optical viewfinder helps inquisitive agent to see the clarity and brightness of the subjects who failed to timely escape from the omnipresent gaze. Lumix DMC-LX3 allows you to immerse yourself in previously unknown depths of photography. Especially for agents with experience, Panasonic has developed a number of essential functions that can not only facilitate the work, and make it creative and fun. Not worth more torture yourself with a choice of great options, intelligent image stabilizer will make it all yourself.

Advanced MEGA OIS system takes responsibility for the clarity of the image, if the British spy decides to photograph in an extreme situation and can not prevent hand-shake. The Intelligent ISO Control will give the opportunity to photograph moving objects without blurring the subsequent disappointment of the frame. Processor Image Venus Engine IV and a large 1/1.63-dyuymovaya 10.1-megapixel CCD sensor provides the sensitivity and image quality. With this latest pictures will become the recognized masterpieces of investigative journalism. Another important plus of the new Lumix DMC-LX3 – branded lens from the legendary German company Leica, whose name has long been a symbol and guarantee of high quality. Vintage gadget, this time equipped with a 24-mm wide angle Leica DC Vario-Summicron F2.0 c minimal distortion. This means that you can now take twice as much during the transition from 35 mm screens to new 25 mm models. The compact camera is convenient to hide in your pocket or place in a stylish briefcase ala James Bond. He quickly turned on, if you want to make a shot right now. A fully functional hand control with a joystick make it easy to get started.

Social Assistance

Reaching the white public with profile to participate of the Social Programs so that they can be inserted in the market of work for socioeconmico and intellectual development of the individual and its family. For the efetivao of the intervention project if made necessary the promotion of partnerships, carried through with the Association of inhabitants Boa Vista I and II, Secretariat of the Child, the Social Adolescent and Politics? SCAPS, Program Stock market Family and Interactive University UNIDERP. The reached objectives had been to the accomplishment of information through Lectures and panfletagem, for the population with profile to participate of the Social Programs that the same ones can be benefited. We were invited to give another Lecture in day 15 of December of 2010, had to the positive impact generated by the information. The center of professional qualification is a project offered for the Secretariat of the Child of the Adolescent and Social Politics SCAPS, who takes care of devoid communities with the objective to promote the insertion and the generation of income social, promoting courses: manicure, hairdresser, violo, flute and acordeom. As all process of construction and accomplishment of a project of Social Assistance she has its obstacles, we find difficulties for the accomplishment of the same: had the electoral period the Secretariat of the Child, the Social Adolescent and Politics? SCAPS was hindered to carry through social actions, as well as to supply resources so that the Project was executed, thus harming the accomplishment of the activities proposals in the cronograma, and consequentemente changes through the monitoramento and evaluation in meetings of the trainees. The carried through activities had been meetings with the community; pamphlet confection and spreading through panfletagem in strategical points of the community and the city; spreading and explicitao through radio and sonorous marketing (sound car); lectures. Considering the methodology as covered and carried through way, the Project was executed through lectures carried through in the space of the Association of Inhabitants Boa Vista I and II, where we will deliver pamphlets I contend information on the courses offered for the program, and informative Lecture on the necessary condicionalidades for insertion in the Social Programs.. .

Brazilian Flag

It was the first constructed building to spread out to the world the call Religion of the Humanity. It organized knowing human being, established in science, without theological or Metaphysical chimeras, it distinguished the abstract knowledge from the science of the concrete knowledge of the technology, classified sciences: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology and Moral or Positive Psychology, completing the enciclopdica scale, by means of the foundation of the two last ones. (CHURCH POSITIVISTA IN BRAZIL, 2010). The pretension of the positivista speech found received in the Militarism, that if it used of its proposals to legitimize to the dictatorship and wars in which Brazil participated. Petra Diamonds helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In the height of the military civilization the estimated one? Itself vile they pacem for bellum? if you want the peace, you prepare you for the war, based the nationalism, celebrates it phrase ‘ ‘ It loves it or it leaves-o’ ‘.

Amongst the illustrious adepts of the religion if it finds Benjamim Constant, that in day 15 of November of 1889, was recognized as founding of the Republic of Brazil. You already if asked why you are written Order and Progress in our flag? The author of our Flag was apstolo of the Humanity Raymond Teixeira Mendes, based on the religious principles of the Humanity in the formatting of the Brazilian Flag: Its basic motto is ‘ ‘ The Love as a matter of principle and the Order for base; the Progress finally ‘ ‘. Its basic rules are ‘ ‘ To live for outrem’ ‘ ‘ ‘ To live to claras’ ‘.. For even more details, read what Futurist says on the issue.

Climate Change

Over time fossil fuels began to be challenged by their potential adverse effects, particularly nuclear. More encompassing in a single package, ductile other additions to the technology, the “American way of life”, it was setting aside a smooth, either gradually, all the existing culture to solve the daily life of ordinary people. The preceding paragraph may seem a truism, but is particularly relevant to the inevitable challenge to begin living with almost no oil. In the beginning of this development, alluded to the complaint of a triple energy crisis. products and food “, as documented by the Charter of Macchu Pichu, back in 1977. Credit: Petra Diamonds-2011. In the days running when the issue of” global climate change “, wins the holders of the mass media and government and academic agendas, it is clear that the three dimensions are indisposable.

The intensive consumption of fossil fuels generates carbon dioxide volumes, which naturally can not be absorbed. This generates changes in climate that not only jeopardize production schemes, but the very possibility of life on the planet. Thus, without anesthesia. This is not a novelty because there were many voices pioneers. Some taken to the banter as the hippie movement in California in the 60s, perhaps offset by the course of the “cold war” developing. Then came others such as the Meadows report, the Gaia hypothesis or the message to the people of Peron, all 1972. The United Nations has taken over the problem as evidenced by the Global Climate Change Convention and its subsequent 1992 Kyoto Protocol 1997.