We attended the huge growth of social networks with azoro. We see them increasing their presence on the internet, almost without exception, as who sees the flood of a river, shaken by the force of the waters, but that currently does not ask if climate change was causing them, but is immersed in the breathtaking view of the waters dragged everything in its path. But to interact efficiently, in terms of sales, it is necessary to understand the rationale for them a little. The success of social networks, is, precisely, that man is a social being by nature. Social networks are the ideal escape for an individual ever more isolated in the real thing, with increasingly more fears, and more reticence to a face-to-face relationship with others, which has been transformed into a live in relationship. Participate in social networks is based on pleasure.
Enter on Twitter, or on Facebook to see the news, is an experience of pleasure. Nobody is logged to read reviews, or find out about unpleasant news. It is how to make a ping from our team, we sent 4 packages, and we hope to return without errors. User question are there? to your contacts, and, in general, everyone responds. Who raises an alternative via social networks for your business, not can lose sight of this concept, as basic, almost childish, but nodal.
Who enters to the page in the social networks of any brand or website, also does it with that criterion, the feeling that you belong, which is part of a community. And the only way to build online community is being interactive. So, if you plan to remove multiple accounts, and devote himself to perform automated postings with some service as the Onlywire, think again. Little will serve it, except for the links to your site that achieves, while banned by spam may not be. The idea must be very different. Their goal, to enter the fascinating world of social networks, must be to create community. But not only this, but lead your community. Motivate regular interactions and, at the same time, benefiting from the same. Perhaps the immediate benefit is not reflected in an increase of the volumes of sales in the short term. The strategy with social networks must have reasonable goals raised to medium and long term. Wanting to hasten this natural process of building an online community and generation of a favorable reputation, simply not filed the proposed results. All employers, large or small scale, have reached agreement on something: should have a presence on social networks, for the simple reason that there is where most of our leads are at this time. But it is necessary to define an action plan sustainable, forward-looking. Remember that it is never possible to have a second chance to make a favorable first impression. So, if you going to do, do it well. Create community, plant the seed, and you will see within a reasonable time, achieved brand presence, will increase its target, and by decanting, your sales will increase. Any PPC campaign can promise you this organic elposicionamiento that the effective presence in social networks achieves. It is only a question of hard work, as everything.