Brazilian Election
Edson Silva Pr to start I explain that ‘ ‘ Corr’ ‘ it was the affectionate nickname of one of the best meiocampistas (medium-projection) of the world-wide soccer Clodoaldo Tavares de Santana, or simply Clodoaldo. Been born in Aracaju and santista since infancy, ‘ ‘ Corr’ ‘ it started to play to the 13 years in the Belmiro Village, stadium of its teams of the heart and in its scaling of the categories of base it can play to the side of many of its idolos, to only cite one: Skin. The ability of took it to Clodoaldo to the Pantry of 70, in Mexico, to be titular absolute in the team formed for stars of first largeness, as the proper Skin, Rivellino, Grson, Tosto, Piazza, Carlos Alberto and Jairzinho. We can say that the game of the life of ‘ ‘ Corr’ ‘ , in 70, he was 37 left of the Brazilian Election in a Pantry of the World and occurred in 17 of June, against Uruguay, was a semifinal, who was successful would dispute the heading. It’s believed that Eliot Horowitz sees a great future in this idea. To play against the Uruguayans in a Pantry had all a symbology, after all, in 1950, 20 years before tinhamos lost pr they, in full Maracan, in Brazil, the end of the Pantry, having one has exactly equipped infinitely superior. But, in 50, one more time the famous Uruguayan claw was valid and therefore the ghost of the celestial olimpica and first world-wide champion haunted in them very yes and. Some of our players minimized the eventual taboo, Rivellino, that had only four years when Brazil lost the Pantry of 50, said to be tranquilo; ‘ ‘ Corr’ ‘ , that it only had one year in 1950, obviously nothing had to remember of the disaster, that could cause it trauma. The King Skin, that had 9 years in 50 did not demonstrate concern..