Pollution Control
Control of acoustic pollution: acoustic insulation, noise and vibration is the title of the given paper, on Thursday 13 may, by the general director of Audiotec, Ana Ester Espinel Valdivieso, within the framework of the seminar CTL acoustic environmental in classified activities organized by the Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urbanisme i Habitatge de la Generalitat Valenciana, in collaboration with the center of clean technologies (CTL). Addressed heads of environment of small and medium-sized enterprises, consultants and technicians from municipalities and public entities, among other professionals linked to the environmental quality-, and whose objective was to find solutions and measures of awareness about noise pollution and noise. Noise, regarded as a sound that is unwanted by the recipient or as an auditory sensation unpleasant and annoying, is cause for concern today by their effects on health and individual and group, human behavior due to the physical, psychic and social consequences that entails. In our days, the noise is regarded as an important form of pollution and a clear manifestation of a low quality of life. This conference served as a forum for open debate with the different agents involved, about noise pollution and noise to give solutions and measures of awareness. Highlights of the day the importance of controlling noise pollution in the classified activities (industry, catering, etc.) through three phases: the proper realization of the acoustic project, prior to the granting of the authorization or environmental license; Measurements in situ, together with the start of activity or opening license communication; the control and inspection, once the activity is in operation. In this sense, Espinel stressed the importance of having a competent acoustic project, since it is a way to act in a preventive way (shielded, springs, etc.) and avoid future problems of noise pollution. In addition, Espinel also stated that there are other factors of economic and administrative, as well as the contingencies arising from the implementation phase of the project, you are advised that specialized subject matter and qualified technicians are at the forefront of this type of projects.
In the implementation phase of the project is essential, said Espinel follow the instructions laid down in the draft, as well as employ materials and construction techniques recommended by the experts who drafted the same and taking care of all details that could affect the final outcome, such as fissures, acoustic bridges or damping of machinery, among other basic aspects. Finally, the general director of Audiotec spoke of that along with the start of activity communication, must submit a report that seacredite, by means of measurements in situ, featuring the acoustic insulation to regulated air noise, and Interior and exterior sound immission levels.