Corral Venezuelan
Definitely, the Venezuelan Government should arrogate to this reality and avoid that every year a significant number of professionals will be. Take into account as just do a decade, more than 800 thousand Venezuelans, most of them young, have left the country in search of new projects of life, put by insecurity, violence, unemployment, low wages and lack of opportunities. This was stated the Professor of the Universidad Simon Bolivar Ivan de la Vega, who has performed several investigations in this regard. The figures were revealed during the encounter violence and lack of opportunities Corral Venezuelan young people, within the framework of the cycle solutions for people who every Saturday organizes citizens by the unit. Also the doctor of Sciences policies Trino Marquez, the former rector of the Universidad Simon Bolivar, Benjamin Scharifker and the President of the Federation of University centers, Roderick Navarro participated in activity. sos studies about the intellectual diaspora or brain drain in Venezuela specifically notes the source of cited information, today, tens of thousands of qualified Venezuelan professionals found rooted in 32 countries, whose development are contributing with their knowledge and their work. Conclusion take into account before this reality as explained: at the moment the picture is bleak. We not only have a leak of talents and selective human resources that contribute to the development of other countries with its intellectual and economic contribution, but that studies of trends that we have carried out indicate that 72% of the students have the possibility to leave the country, relato De la Vega between their life choices. The USB Professor pointed out that currently there are about 260,000 Venezuelans in United States, 30,000 in Canada, 10,000 in Australia, and approximately 200,000 in the European Union, although in this case there is an underestimate because many Venezuelans children of immigrants have the nationality of those countries original author and source of the article.