Monthly Archive: July 2013

Corral Venezuelan

Definitely, the Venezuelan Government should arrogate to this reality and avoid that every year a significant number of professionals will be. Take into account as just do a decade, more than 800 thousand Venezuelans, most of them young, have left the country in search of new projects of life, put by insecurity, violence, unemployment, low wages and lack of opportunities. This was stated the Professor of the Universidad Simon Bolivar Ivan de la Vega, who has performed several investigations in this regard. The figures were revealed during the encounter violence and lack of opportunities Corral Venezuelan young people, within the framework of the cycle solutions for people who every Saturday organizes citizens by the unit. Also the doctor of Sciences policies Trino Marquez, the former rector of the Universidad Simon Bolivar, Benjamin Scharifker and the President of the Federation of University centers, Roderick Navarro participated in activity. sos studies about the intellectual diaspora or brain drain in Venezuela specifically notes the source of cited information, today, tens of thousands of qualified Venezuelan professionals found rooted in 32 countries, whose development are contributing with their knowledge and their work. Conclusion take into account before this reality as explained: at the moment the picture is bleak. We not only have a leak of talents and selective human resources that contribute to the development of other countries with its intellectual and economic contribution, but that studies of trends that we have carried out indicate that 72% of the students have the possibility to leave the country, relato De la Vega between their life choices. The USB Professor pointed out that currently there are about 260,000 Venezuelans in United States, 30,000 in Canada, 10,000 in Australia, and approximately 200,000 in the European Union, although in this case there is an underestimate because many Venezuelans children of immigrants have the nationality of those countries original author and source of the article.

Luis Enrique

His sincere commitment with the region and love its people has led to promote and obtain resources in numerous projects of the productive sector, electrical, potable water, housing, roads, gas, educational and family welfare, in the vast majority of the municipalities of Huila. It is highlighting its leadership in the negotiation of the hydroelectric project of the Quimbo, where unlike what happened with Bethany, achieved additional compensation to the referred to in the law, such as the reduction of the rate of energy in Huila in 13%, the adequacy with 5,200 hectares irrigation, reforestation of 20,000 hectares, the construction of the perimeter with 6 ports, smallholders and workers compensation, the viaduct of 1.8 KM, the allocation of 17 billion to productive reconversion of the affected municipalities, among others, all achievements in which Luis Enrique had a unique role as spokesman for the bedplate huilense Congressional. In summary, Luis Enrique Dussan is a serious, studious, responsible, successful representative in its management and in political activity (remember that in his first election to the camera came out with the third vote of the Department and four years ago with the first), and warranty to Huila’s a formidable legislative work. Some of the people that a strong candidate for the next contest come in me and the governorate have hinted me separate me a bit of the candidacies of Rodrigo Villalba and Luis Enrique Dussan, but I answer them the same thing: I have an unshakeable commitment to my country and my region above my personal and political interests. Without underestimating the rest of candidates and with the intention to, on the one hand, that liberalism has a formidable representation in the Senate, and on the other, that retain the two seats in the Chamber, I will vote for Rodrigo Villalba and Luis Enrique Dussan for making sure of that are the best. Original author and source of the article


For them it is more difficult find a job, now that housing has paralyzed almost altogether. Most of these people came seeking to improve their economic situation. In recent years hundreds of thousands they found jobs in construction, in the service sector; as waiters, messengers, caregivers, carriers and other trades. Some, animated by the euphoria of the banks and the ease of obtaining credit, embarked on a mortgage to buy a home. That spending could be more than 1,000 euros per month, to which must be added the power, gas, electricity, transport, etc.

To the extent of its possibilities, immigrants sent a monthly remittance from Spain that served to cover the expenses of their families, health, education, housing, small business, food and clothing, etc. Most of them have had to minimize shipments of money and many can send anything. There are many cases in which employers have not insured to immigrant workers, with what they will passing years and are still in a situation of undocumented migrants. Some arise because returning to their country, where we already know that there is no labour outputs and the possibilities of a living wage are even lower. It is difficult to withstand the stress and anxiety that generated the crisis and debts. Why, there are humanitarian associations which have psychologists to offer assistance in this respect to immigrants. Conflicts and tensions make that quite a few marriages and couples end up breaking.

Frustration not to comply with the projects that had to arrive, they might join the aggressiveness, intolerance, insomnia or depression. Times are tough for almost all. But we can take advantage of opportunities that enclose the crises in its interior. They can bring changes in attitudes and a new appreciation of reality. By force we have to be more austere in expenses. Learn how to share with solidarity remains a good formula for the challenge. Maria Jose Atienzar Periodista original author and source of the article.

Content Management System

More recently, the creation of any site the webmaster made a number of web pages and publish them online. If necessary, make changes or additions to the site owner appealed again to the webmaster, and the perform the necessary work. Today to replace this static website come dynamic, where each page is generated directly in the time of applying for it. Information on all pages stored in the database, and the owner of this site are provided special funds for adding new data or correction of previously entered. In this case, the appearance of web pages and the structure of their interaction is given by a specialist in the development of the site, and entering and editing content may be performed by man, not familiar with the layout of Web pages and programming. System that manages dynamic sites, often called a content management system, or abbreviated cms by the English name Content Management System (content management system). Such systems are generally used to store and publish a variety of materials.

The contents of the site, that is, content is processed by the cms and the output site visitors in a given form. Moreover, modern systems automate many common actions, for example, allow to search the site or to organize a survey of visitors. If small websites, business cards More can be done without the use of cms, the vast majority of modern commercial sites should be developed with the help of such systems. The choice of site management system is a fairly important step and should given due attention.