Project Pedagogical Politician
It is the way more made right to reinventar the school, giving meant to its purposes and objectives. It must represent the commitment of a group with one determined trajectory in the educational scene, presenting clarity on the forces and the limits of its integrant ones. One knows that the diversity of problems with which the pertaining to school institutions deal in its daily one is visible to the eyes of all. They are challenging problems that they need to be argued by the collective one of the school, which, in turn, is sufficiently heterogeneous, therefore it is formed by diverse segments: professors, managers, employees, administrative staff, responsible and representative pupils, parents and/or of the local community, that different knowledge, ideas and values possess, thus causing conflicts. In this perspective, the work of construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician is not all harmonic process, in contrast, presents divergences, existing interests of different segments. It is this diversity, that becomes its process of rich and dynamic construction, therefore is in function of this interaction that appears the collective one of the school. Of this form, one became necessary to make an analysis of as the Pertaining to school Unit Montezuma locates in relation to the importance of the participation of the pertaining to school community of the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician, considering to be a slow process that demand time, without forgetting that it is essential to respect the moment of each one, without losing of sight the objectives that if it considers to reach. It was questioned the four professors, which correspond to the 100% of the searched ones, if the same ones consider important the envolvement of the pertaining to school community in the process of construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician, evidenced, as the graph below, a contradiction, in view of that 50% consider important the envolvement of the pertaining to school community in the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician being that excessively they do not consider important this envolvement.