All these processes observed in the current society have been determinative to speed up this process of gradual indispensable indignation the change of any politician-administrative system. Let us see then each one of them: 3.2.1? The reinveno of the space and the politician-ideological interaction the acceleration of a revolutionary process of -, to a large extent, for the possibility that if has to make ideas to circulate freely on one definitive territory, target of the revolution, or is of it searching to articulate a teia of relations that will construct the necessary militancy to the revolutionary objectives. At a first moment, such distance can be perceived that gradually it was diminished by the globalization that in them brought the concept of global village. Imperialismos and massificao of cultures and behaviors to the part, are known that exchanges between cultures were and are basic for the evolution of social structures. Already at as a moment this space of interaction only was not gradually diminished, as it came being, but reinventado for the Internet. The space in which if it interacts is not more the ground of no metropolis, but the proper virtual space that the Internet projects.
Such reinveno created for the society the possibility of the joint in mass of its interests becoming them immediate requirements and not only remote possibilities of governmental action, given the efficiency of the canals of public pressure, that is so bigger the more numerous is the manifestations of support to a cause. If this phenomenon esbarrava in geographic difficulties to happen today not esbarra more. 3.2.2 Governmental action and performance popular: the acceleration of the processes of institucional adaptation: The reinveno of the space generates inevitably a remodelagem in the time that permeia the interaction. It was common sense, until very little time behind, the notion of that the laws if remodelled, or of that the institutions were reconfigured and until created in a very lesser speed that the social transformations, natural and technological for which they had to correspond.