Tag Archive: the news


In our life in line we have abierto too many streams in our space that feels that we have bitten more than we can chew. Years ago back it was necessary to use the telephone to be in contact with the enemy with somebody. You can do now it through twitter, email, MSN, Facebook, Google Talk, commentaries in some blog or forums, to only name some. The majority of those automatic services has alert. That it happens.

A small icon or window are abre, it remains blinking and it seizes of our attention. It is necessary to be disconnected stops in being connected with same you and to finish pending either by the simple fact producing the more. You need enfocarte to complete tasks. You need a project be-of-line. The project to survive disconnected Then, to be productive and to have time to check to twitter or the instantaneous messenger you need to have a project. The idea is to maximize the time in line using most of the times being disconnected, especially in the work.

The trick is to disconnect the network cable either the wireless card in times or defined. Time intervals 9 to 9:30: In line. Email, the news, to twitter. 9:30 to 11:30: Disconnected, to focus and to work. 11:30: In line. To check email, available in the instantaneous messenger, to socialize. It repeats after the hour of food. 13:00 to 13:30: Things in line. 13:30 to 17:30: Disconnected. 18:00 to 18:30: Things in line, time of departure. It fits east plan to your schedule, and there we go. Not more lost time in Youtube or in Facebook. This also educates your fellow workers thus know that to hope of you. It is not necessary to be pressing the button of ” To send and recibir” in order to respond important electronic post office that they are estan to go away to the hole. Your companions will know that only you go to be connected in a certain time. If something is really important most probable it is than they call to you and this helps you to identify in ordering the things that really are important. The benefits to be disconnected: * You eliminate the interupciones and distractions of the email, Twitter, instantaneous messenger, the news and more. * It give you space for enfocarte and to work. * You obtain time to innovate. * You can read, already you know, books. * You can obtain much more. * It give to a space for tomarte a time of rest and liberarte you of stress. * You can look for tranquillity and peace in your mind.

Editorial Robs

Done nothing else that to the EDITORIAL directors ROBS (www.editorialrove.com), one rising editorial with a promising future, but in short, to the interviewed people: Lucas Moltrasio and Diego Corradini. So I leave the interview beginning by a question that I did to him to Diego when contacting for the first time with him: You are the director of the publishing house? DC: If, and next to Lucas Moltrasio we directed to ROBS, being also he director and both partners by equal parts. At the moment we were divided the direction of the Publishing house in two great areas, on the one hand the edition of the Magazine IT, that ahead takes to Lucas and as for me the direction to it of the publishing house generally. Although our way to direct is speaking and agreeing the possible ways to follow, being permeable both to different ideas that we raised continuously. Why you have decided to create one editorial? DC: The decision was altogether with Lucas, both we felt that the publishing world could be different, that to publish a book had to be different and that in the 21st century, the technology and telecommunications could be a bridge to a new way to make and to read a book. I believe that the publishing world is changing, that little by little Internet was strained and I arrive to remain, I believe that the publishing houses in the next years will have to adapt to well-educated readers, demanding, adapted to multiple platforms of reading (physical books, e-book, books multimedia and I go ahead to the future: holographic books in 3D and). To read is a experience and ROBS comes to occupy a space thinking about the digital era like airdrop platform and about the innovation like means of continuous overcoming, without stopping being kind to the classic publishing techniques. Reader and author must be in center of any strategy of one editorial, HE ROBS this journeying a way in that sense and by mainly with the present method of autopublicacin we tried to be democratic and to allow that the readers are the main jury of writings.

The High Commissioner

Other two were baleados in their legs, but they are outside danger. At night, neighbor groups and immigrants interchanged pedradas. The incidents began when the African brought about disturbances to protest by their precarious situation like illegal. In order to express its displeasure they began to cause destructions in commerce and numerous vehicles that they have damaged or upset. The neighbors are frightened and they have been locked in its houses, while the African announce that they are going to follow with its protest. The Police has taken the streets from this locality of 16,000 inhabitants The High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugiados (ACNUR) noticed that " it is absolutely necessary to prevent the hunting to inmigrante". The Executive decided to send a contingent of security forces after an urgent meeting in Rome summoned by the minister of the Interior, Maroni Robert, who attributed the conflict " tolerancia" official in the matter of immigration, while the president of Italy, Neapolitan Giorgio, affirmed that &quot is necessary; to stop without delay all type of violencia". The security force has his soothes in the prefecture of Calabria and will have " to confront the question not only from the point of view of the order public, but also concerning the tie aspects to the operation of the black work and the attendance sanitaria" , He was of public knowledge, that, the community of immigrants – who in their majority work in the field went out to protest by their situation, denouncing which they undergo operation and marginality, serious problems that the Italian authorities must investigate to determine to what extent the human rights are violated. The certain thing that before this evidence of the immigrants, with spirit and energies the government has begun to identify and to clock on and off to all those that live in shacks (mainly gypsy), picking up his digital tracks and creating a personal card for each.


The most important aspect when the challenge is assumed to lead a work party, I fodder that is the deal with the subordinates, position that the conduct of the people is not predictable. When we assumed the leadership of an equipment we will most of find the occasions three types of attitudes towards us: 1. – A group of workers will show their unconditional support to us. 2. – A small group will be against to us abiertamente. 3. – Other that will do solely the necessary thing to stay in the position. But the suitable thing is that the leadership style that we use generates positive a climate labor with people who support and innovate in favor of the company, with this it will be possible to be obtained that the majority of our subordinates is located in the group of the people who show their support to us and who little by little are dissolved the group of which they are against to us abiertamente.

From my perspective, from a beginning, we must act as usually we do it habitually, is not recommendable to assume poses or gestures that do not represent to us, are necessary that we transmit a real image, practically does not pretend to be another one person who is not. The poses are open pies faster than we imagined and this will cause that the people hardly trust us when we communicate an order or we give some instructions. In order to begin to delegate we must consider the following aspects: 1. We must have the necessary knowledge, we cannot delegate functions or activities of subjects or aspects that we do not include/understand in its totality, it is important to be informed very well and updated. 2. We must develop to an effective communication one hundred percent, the principle of a successful communication constitutes the knowledge to listen and to analyze what they transmit to us, since this will help to give us account us that not necessarily all the initiatives must start off of us, because the other members of the equipment also can contribute valuable ideas.

Enterprise Management

This it is a very important operative subject for the enterprise management. The clients choose to the most reliable companies. How many times you have paid a little more by an outstanding product although one is a fish (the fish do not have mark)? How many times you went to the shutdown of a certain transport simply because he happens followed more or because more emptiness comes? In the previous examples the client is decided by the expectations that she has on tal o cual company. This expectation is based on the perceived value. And the client chooses projecting the confidence and hoping that the tendency stays, because nobody can assure to him that the fish is better or than the transport it arrives before.

To gain the confidence of the clients costs much, on the contrary to lose it, very little. To become a name, to construct a mark or to become the fame of high quality are the result of an enterprise management that operates deeply, becoming jumbled in the community where it operates, the own culture gives the industralist, the attitude of the personnel, the normalization, the application of processes and the quality control. In niche markets where they do not operate reputation companies, with well-known marks (except which they know by recommendation mouth mouth) the first contact that it has the potential client with the company is through publicity, promotion or of the same product. Then the potential clients interested in our products will contact themselves with our company as previous step to the purchase of the product or service. That moment is key, is decided often the purchase there. There is not one second opportunity to give good a first impression. Enterprise management in the zone of contact the answer of the service to the client often is evaluated by the potential clients before contracting a service or to buy a product.

The Mediation

Objectives and principles of the process of mediation Between the primary targets of this technique we emphasized that it persecutes: – To facilitate that a new relation between the parts in conflict settles down. – To increase to the respect and the confidence between these. – To correct perceptions and deceptions that they are possible to be had with respect to the conflict and/or between the implied ones in this. – To create a frame that ensure communications between the parts and the transformation of the conflict. The principles of the mediation process are: a) The power exerts the own parts: Those are the own participants that control the process and the decisions. It is a process that begins of a certain form and is evolving and advancing through phases with intermingled steps. b) Neutrality and impartiality of the mediator: The mediator will not be able to take party by one from the parts, nor still supposing that one of them occupies the position of the weak one.

In this case the mediator will try to balance the power between the parts by means of the use of the technical adapted ones of communication. Before initiating one mediation the mediator must be asked on the existence of some circumstance susceptible to create bias in the development of the same. With this neutral and impartial position the mediator them aid to put off center the conflict of his dual position, of expensive confrontation to face, and abre a space to them that is neither of one nor of another one, but belongs to both, where they can see the point of view of the other, redefine the own positions and find the interests common. c) Confidentiality: During the mediation the participants (as much the interested ones as the mediator) maintain the privacy absolute and have the guarantee of which what she says herself in a mediation session she will not be able to be used before a court.