Tag Archive: environment


Of this anthropocentric relation, the environment passed to be degraded, for the deforestation, the incorrect use of the ground, for the exploration of the resources not-renewed, etc. These are some examples that had provoked and provoke this degradation, that direct or indirectly affects the balance of the system, that need these resources for the support of the life in the planet. The construction of houses from recycled material foresees things among others the support, energy rationalization and the minimum of ambient impact. Logically that this type of construction also foresees activities directed to the ambient education, choosing material that they can easily recycled and be applied in the construction, as well as also can be made rational use of the energy potential in the new house. She is necessary that new constructive and alternative techniques of energy attainment and treatment of the other considered materials residues are seen by the civil construction as a new alternative of construction, more sustainable, more artisan and less impactante for the nature. It has diverse materials that they can recycled and be applied in the civil construction, being the one of them wood, renewable resource, of great aid in the deficit situation of habitation in the country, since it can also serve for the construction of housings and even of habitacionais sets destined to the low income families.

2 Independent JUSTIFICATION of the innovations architectural, most important is that this type of construction, happened of the use of recycled, either projected material to give comfort to the user, economy and to serve to the principles of ambient conservation. It has many alternatives that can be useful in the construction: pisos tiles can be changedded into mosaics that can decorate tables, sidewalk, walls, walls. The pieces wooden can be reaproveitados giving new felt to the architecture. Bottles pet, of glass, coconuts, at last has a infinity of natural materials also that they can serve of substance cousin in the construction.

Environment and Ecology

To think about Environment, Ecology, today emdia Sustainable Development if became routinist. It will be, because it is in fashion? Or it will be also, that only to think is enough? our action where ‘ ‘ fica’ ‘? Frequently we attend in the television, we read in magazines and periodicals asinmeras companies whom if they show in favor of the nature. If to observe, aumentacada day, the speeches of politicians, professionals and until the most humble people, expressing its concerns with the environment and the mudanasclimticas. We need to save the planet, the scientists warn, if average atemperatura of the planet to go up 2C, the consequences more we can serdesagradveis for all: He will have water scarcity; extinct species, fall of the productivity naagricultura, rise of the seas, glacier meltings, reefs and coraisprejudicados, abrupt climatic changes, storms, droughts, fires eondas of heat These concerns cannot only be in planejamentosdas authorities politics, religious, in the private companies, with the scientists At last, it has that to be part of our daily one. We have that to think about Surrounding nossoMeio, but to think and TO ACT of cautious form in favor of nsmesmos, the support so said, and of our future. As the popular dictated one says ‘ ‘ Each monkey in its galho’ ‘ , this nahora of the monkeys if to join and to share each experience of its twig. Nopodemos to limit our thoughts that stops taking care of of the environment exists osbilogos, ambient and forest engineers, geologists etc aexpresso environment already says everything, is all surrounding that involves all ascoisas alive eno-alive in the Land, beyond these professionals, needs that the doctors, architects, gari, masons, professors ALL independent of race, color, age egnero, ALL are engaged in this objective, each monkey to precisafazer something in defense of our planet to be able to have its twig. For simpler than it seems, small attitudes generate immense results: It plans its purchases: Who plans before, and less good purchase; It separates its organic garbage of the reciclvel: Beyond helping to the vocajuda planet families with the income generation; Before buying it evaluates the impacts and it consummates what it is only necessary: It evaluates what the product cause to the environment and as it was manufactured; It reuses the maximum: it reuses packings of the products, if to vocreutilizar why to buy? It saves: It erases the lights before leaving, disconnect computer when to noestiver using, does not use plastic bags It values the social responsibility of the companies: many companies fazemum important work in favor of the nature; She does not buy products smuggled pirates or: Buying produtoslegais if she contributes for generation of more steady jobs and reduction daviolncia; Copper of the politicians: Copper and participates of the actions of the politicians, therefore sonossos representatives; It reflects on its values: Important to understand which princpiosque in them take to the habits and consumptions; It divulges the consumption conscientious: alone or in group, multipliqueinformaes; It contributes for improvement of products and services: It complains, enviesugestes, it is very important our participation; Already this in the hour of not only thinking, but also acting! To think and to act in a Universal, cosmic way that it exceeds limitesdo planet, for yes acting in holistic way in favor of the environment, emprol of our future lives and If not to make this for proper us we go to make for that they had been born of us many that still will go nascere to continue in this world of prosperity..


According to Manzini (2008, p.32) to speak in support it is practically the same that to speak in diversity, that is, it is necessary to promote the variety. The performance of designer must then be to protect, but not only to propagate the biological, cultural and social diversity. This implies then in a new form of use of resources, searching technologies that promote the reduction of wastefulness, optimizing the functionality of the project using to advantage and improving already the existing one, thus minimizing the ambient interventions and impacts. How much to the moving one of the partner-cultural diversity, designer and the empresariado one the importance of the local artisan products, the local culture must be attempted against, requalificando social values, thus fortifying a mesh of social net where the personal abilities are stimulated, constructing citizens more critical-reflexives playing a basic paper inside of the support. To promote the diversity ambient is to become the qualified company to reduce the necessity of the new, that is, to develop forms of industrial ecology where it has a cycle of use of the necessary materials for the development of the product. To use system of solar energy, not to opt to materials with great ambient or comprovadamente harmful impact to the health human being. (MANZINI, 2008 p.34) the current marketing vision is reflected direct of the so marcante and commented globalization. But which implication of this fact for the support? The reply it is well simple, the globalization it diminishes the cultural diversity, it diminishes the partner-economic diversity what it stimulates the overconsumption in which design has basic paper in the use of medias having objective of increase of sales and stimulates to the consumption of products that in many cases do not become necessary..

Project System

The great difficulty is to assure to the man of the field of the regions without tradition, that normally does not know the necessary techniques of creation of the bees, conditions for maintenance of the swarms in the beehives and, consequently, the attainment of the production with the quality demanded for the market, since the principle, the enthusiasm of the agriculturists with the creation great must the basic training carried through by the incentivadoras institutions more when they start to feel difficulties and they search an orientation, already ha to who not to appeal, a time that the assistance lack techniques is evident in the communities of the region concomitantly finding other difficulties as, for example, the precarious conditions of the vicinal ones disabling to drain the productions of its cultivos. It is of well-known knowledge that one of the attributions of the education is to enable the individual to the life in society. So that this occurs, in accordance with Dolores this must enclose four basic learnings, that are them pillars of the knowledge: to learn to know, to learn to make, to learn to coexist, to learn ser' ' , phases that become only one, due the interdependence between them in the complementation of its rights. Ahead of the displayed one, the assistance technique is a procedure used for accompaniment and recommendation to the agricultural producers on appropriate technologies the determined system of production. For in such a way, the Project Alive Forest FD7-05-04 focuses ' ' praxidade' ' , that is, the theory (course of qualification in Beekeeping) and practical through advising the technician, considering strategies of sustainable development to the familiar establishments favored in the Project of Support to the Apicultural Sector of the BR-163, in order to introduce new practical of handling adequate to the type of system. 2.1.Metodologia of the Project Alive Forest the principle initiated the activities with survey of the diverse experiences of the producers in the area of the project in the month of May of 2007 in the Communities above cited happening with application questionnaires, giving basements in what it says respect to the production system; its characteristics and experiences acquired for these in the determined activity having the systematization of the results, noticing there that the area is predominated by small producers, having as income source the cultures of subsistences (rice, maize, beans, cassava) where the same ones prepare the land, still carry through in the traditional system cut and burn, some families plant (maize, beans) in unnecessary the sultry method making the use of the fire, however exactly thus it needs to attempt against for sustainable techniques of handling, because the deforestation and the exploration of the natural resources advance in the properties in unknown virtue causing maleficent consequences.

Quality Project

Proposal of Transdisciplinar Project TO THINK GLOBAL TO ACT LOCAL We cannot escape to the environment. It is everything what in the fence. We are also part of it, we live in it! (Anderson Herane) JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT Law n 9.795/1999: Art. 1o Understands for ambient education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support. Art. 2o the ambient education is an essential and permanent component of the national education, having to be present, of articulated form, in all the levels and modalities of the educative process, in formal character and not-deed of division (grifo ours).

Considering the proposal educational of this Center of Young Education of Adult, centered in the principles of not the dissociao teach-research, and of the Inter and transdisciplinaridade, as well as guided by the Law n 9,795/1999, in whose Article 2 foresees the ambient education articulated in all the levels and modalities, is that the team of the Area of Sciences Social Human beings and presents this Project for the school year. Thinking over all about the proposal of this Center, of development of articulated collective Projects to the context of the community where if it finds inserted, we consider the subject considering the possibility of abrangncia of all the segments that compose this pertaining to school community and in accord with the Project to transdisciplinar of the new educational chains, whose thematic it is the Quality of Familiar Life. Thus, a project that it intends to unfold itself in Action, revealed pertinent, in the measure where it will make possible to reach this intention.