Tag Archive: education

Technological Process

Scientific and technological progress has put the last point on the power of religion, and written in capital letters on the way to the knowledge of God. Religion is only indicative of the person that there is a path to God, and Faith leads a person on this path. Religion has never protected the true faith in God, because God has not saved any one religion in its original form. Light of knowledge that comes from God, finally dispel darkness religion Devil and Satan, and then on Earth comes great enlightenment of mankind.

Religion denies the laws of God, so God is far from encouraging religion. God has never encouraged people to be patient, because he never had those who have faith in God has replaced religion. Religion made a man a slave of God, forgetting that the man – a creation of God, being deceived that God would give his creation to those who can not even understand the perfection of God’s creation.

Religion devalues the importance of rights, devaluing it and the work of God, although God can not fail to appreciate his creation, and therefore calls upon the person only to ensure that he was worthy of his Creator. Deception of religion ends with a lie rights. And then the man realizes that his lie has taught religion and God was able to teach a man to understand it. Religion – this is the last stronghold of the devil and Satan.

National School

The paper of the school is of basic importance in the practical the educational ones, therefore it favors the construction of the democratic management in the public schools. The main causes that become the democratization of the public school a challenge are the resistance the ideas exceeded and taken root of the professionals of the education, parents and community. this finishes happening for the lack of contained democratic experience in the history of a country marked for the authoritarianism. Beyond the lack of collective envolvement of the pertaining to school community in the elaboration and execution of the Project Pedagogical Politician of the school, as much in the day the day, as in the agency collegiate and advice of the school. Get more background information with materials from ConocoPhillips. The managing team directs many times the pertaining to school administration as a company and this action makes it difficult the democratization of the school, therefore it compromises the freedom of decision of collective form, valuing the learning as profit not as human growth, thus excluding less the most favored.

One concludes then, that a school does not have to be managed as a company. In this manner, the democratization opposes – to the national diversity for which it holds a decentralized organization, whose bigger power is at the hands of the federal government that must assure the lines of project of the education of the country. Therefore, this transposition of being able to the managers of the schools must be managed of collective form, forming teams of work capable to resist the rooted ideas that if had propagated throughout the history of the authoritarian power in Brazil. In this manner, it can be understood better its causes and consequences, creating methodologies capable to stimulate participativas actions related to the Project Politician? Pedagogical of the school, thus becoming, possible to the transformation. In this direction, it is possible to form people really worried about the collective; making of the school a space of interaction and cooperation, transforming thus, a world more just, thus consolidating, democratization of saber.

Classroom Dynamics

The social dynamics is changedded into the same speed with that if they spread the information in the virtual ways. In this context the paper is essential that the reading plays in the formal education of the individuals, since the permeia language all the activities human beings in all the sectors. In the pertaining to school scope verbal literature and writing are indispensable for the construction of knowledge in the most different areas and discipline. However, according to national programs of pertaining to school evaluation as ENEM and the SAEB the performance of the pupils in regards to the development of its reading capacities if has disclosed sufficiently unsatisfactory, fact that confuses the learning in the too much areas of the knowledge and that it stimulated the elaboration of this project. ‘ ‘ Twine in scene promoting interdisciplinaridade in classroom ‘ ‘ it is a dialgica suggestion between the Twine, you discipline them and the medias printed. Part of the previous knowledge, and the reality of the educandos and is justified for the necessity to raise the level of the pupils how much to its reading capacities.

The Twine has a playful aspect with characteristics and singular especificidades capable to promote the interdisciplinaridade for its wealth of contents, of significant details. It is presented of some forms: verbal, writing, declaimed, sung. thus awakes in the educandos the curiosity the desire to learn. On the basis of everything that already was explicitado the twine becomes wire conducting of this project that will extend the process of reading enjoyment, of new knowledge that in a perspective to interdisciplinar functions as passport for attainment of new learnings, abilities and abilities as to compare, to relate, to make transferences, to raise hypotheses from some data, to search relation of cause and effect, to make inferences, to synthecize, to generalize, to interpret. for the nature of the objectives of the work involving the different ones you discipline and some miditicas technologies it can still contribute decisively for the construction of essential values for the life citizen as: ethical solidarity, justice, autonomy, acceptance of the different one, affectivity, respect and social participation.

Acquiring Knowledge

The question may arise – if the goal is not stated, then, that – do not read a particular book / article? Not exactly. As we know, there are four stages in the process of acquiring knowledge: 1. Unconscious ignorance 2. Conscious ignorance 3. Conscious knowledge 4.

Unconscious knowledge of one. Unconscious ignorance. Not only do you not know about something, but you do not even know that you do not know it. The pun, of course, but you think about it. Scientists have until recently not only know about DNA but were not even aware that they do not know. This level of ignorance of the unconscious. Another example, you do not know about palm reading, but if you had not had to deal with this phenomenon (or even a word), then you do not even guess that such a phenomenon exists.

It is out of your outlook. That is why in order to pass this stage, it is useful to expand their horizons by reading books by completely unknown to you themes. And the goal here is present – broaden my horizons. And suddenly, this is exactly what will fill the additional meaning of your life. 2. Conscious ignorance. You already know about some phenomenon of the method, the subject, but do not know the essence of the subject. Ie You generally have the representation, such as about the same damn stuff, but do not have the depth of knowledge on this subject. Think of how much is useful at this level you have. You know a lot, heard, but do not know it so deeply, but surface. A man of broad vision, so talking about him. Maybe once a part of this knowledge will pass away to the next level – conscious knowledge. 3. Conscious knowledge. You have studied in detail and a deep subject, acquired skills and use them in practice. Option with palmistry – you practicing palmist. Know the essence of technology solving a fate's hand, and have experience. 4.Neosoznannoe knowledge. Having studied the method, acquired skills. Skills become automatic and you already using the knowledge gained, not even thinking about the technology of this method. This level – the level of master, expert. It is like driving. After all, you do not think, when to press the pedal, it all happens automatically according to the traffic situation. You are at – the unconscious knowledge. For clarity, offer a useful tool for self-control. I call it – Funnel knowledge. Level 1 – Level 2 unacknowledged ignorance – deliberate ignorance of the three levels – the conscious knowledge of the Level 4 – the unconscious knowledge is currently in its state of each funnel. Some knowledge is at the 2nd level, some at the 3rd, in something you master it, and fourth level. You constantly expand their horizons and start a new knowledge level. Some knowledge and remain at 2nd level, this is normal – it is important to have a general idea for a complete picture of the world. How important and constantly replenish their The funnel of new knowledge. You can take a short summary: aimless reading should not be. Even if you do not know what took up a particular book, it is important to understand that the goal may be – to provide new knowledge, you thought you no idea.

Mathematical Model

Many of today's specialty in the economic, physical and mathematical and other departments involves the study subjects 'Mathematical Methods of Operations Research'. Extremely important to use of such methods and means for solving the economic zadach.Issledovanie transactions – complex discipline, which has important methodological significance in the training of the modern professional. In this discipline more fully realized the idea of mathematical modeling of economic protsessov.Pri solving a specific task management application of the methods of operations research includes: – construction of economic and Mathematical models for the tasks of decision making in complex situations or conditions of uncertainty – the study of interactions that determine later decisions, the establishment of e performance criteria that allow evaluate the benefit of one or another variant deystviy.Ispolzovanie mathematical modeling in economics can deepen the quantitative economic analysis, to extend the domain of economic information intensify economic raschety.V economic and mathematical models of the object is an economic process. Examples are considered on a site, solved with a specially developed mathematical metodov.Krug problems studied operations research, constantly .Sredi models of operations research highlights model of optimal in conflict situations, study the theory of games. To conflict situations in which faced the interests of parties that pursue different goals, include a number of situations in different areas. In the problems of game theory to develop recommendations for rational behavior to the conflict, to determine their optimal . three main stages of the game theory solution to the problem: 1. Statement of aims and objectives of the study, conduct a qualitative description of the object in the form of economic modeli.2. Formulation mathematical modeliizuchaemogo obekta.3. Analysis of mathematical model, the processing of the results.

Initial Series

To look at the place, to understand what it happens, necessarily demand that the pupil obtains to abstract from this reality of the place, learning to teorizar. This requires that the pupil abstracts and contextualize the phenomena, constructing the picture of referencial ampler than it allows it to advance for one analyzes more criticizes, understanding that the place reflects the world globalizado. On the basis of Saints (1996): ' ' Each place is its way mundo' ' (252); ' ' Each place is, at the same time, object of a global reason and a local reason, coexisting dialeticamente' '. (p.273). These citations send in them to reaffirm the importance not to work with the broken up spaces, that dislocate the agreement possibility of what he is being considered. For Cavalcanti it is basic that: ' ' So that the pupils understand the spaces of its daily life, that if had become extremely complex, is necessary that they learn to look at, at the same time, for ampler and global context, of which all are part, and for the elements that characterize and distinguish its context global' ' (2008: 43) Advancing in this line of argument it can be affirmed that to studying Geography in the Initial Series confides the way to establish the bases of learning of this disciplines. These bases can be identified by the developed abilities to observe, to describe, to analyze and to enunciate a critical spirit regarding the reality where the pupil lives.

Also the abilities of orientation, localization and representation that are functions important in the life of any citizen to place itself in the world where live. CONCLUSION the education of Geography in the school must be pautado by the access of the pupils to the knowledge produced for the humanity so that they can understand the world where they live. To know the information, to obtain to understand it and to contextualizar the phenomena in the set of the globalizado world, understanding place as the reproduction of these processes in determined times and spaces is an objective.

Distance Education State University

And yet, learn English by talking to native speakers. Blogs Blog-a blog of one or more authors, consisting of the entries in reverse chronological order, or in other words it is a site in the form of the journal, sorted by date. The word comes from the English weblog – web log." Blog sites are built on the principle of chronological diary with simple and convenient means of administration, not requiring special knowledge and accessible to all. Wiki (Wiki) – a collection interrelated records. (Ward Cunningham – the creator of technology – called the application environment for rapid interaction of hypertext.) , implemented in the radical model of collective hypertext when You can create and edit any entry submitted to each member of a network community Hot Potatoes Hot Potatoes – universal shell program that allows teachers to their own, without the need for programmers to create interactive training-exercise control in html. The program is widely used around the world to create jobs in different languages in different disciplines. The exercises are created using 5 blocks program (each block can be considered as a separate program): JQuiz – quiz – questions with multiple choice answers (4 types of tasks).

The teacher has the opportunity to lay in the exercise comments to all options responses. JCloze – Filling the gaps. Students can ask for help, then see the first letters of the missing words. Work is also automatic scoring. You can "pass" certain words, and can, for example, every fifth.

JMatch – The mapping (3 types of tasks). JCross – Crossword. JMix – Restoration of the sequence. New information technologies and distance learning in recent years, universities around the world paid attention to possibility of using computer telecommunication technologies for distance learning. Computer telecommunications provide effective feedback, which provides both organization of educational material and communicating with the teacher leading the course. This distance learning and has received in recent years, the name of distance education, in contrast to the familiar distance learning. This problem is particularly acute in Russia, with its vast territory and concentrate research centers in major cities. Currently, the Ministry of Education of Russia is concerned about the creation of a unified educational telecommunications network. The problem of continuing education, professional re-orientation is relevant today than ever before, and its importance will grow over the years, the Internet portal of the School of Distance Education State University was established in the framework of formation of innovative education at Moscow State University named after mv University in 2007.


Protection begins with a report on student thesis work. The report should begin with a study the relevance of the theme, describing the scientific issues and the formulation of goals. Then, in sequence, established by the logic of the study, chapter by chapter appropriate to disclose the basic content of the work, paying particular attention to the most important topics and interesting results, the novelty of the work, critical comparison and evaluation. The final part of the report is based on the text of the conclusion of the thesis. The student must set forth the basic content of the thesis freely, without reading the text.

Protection of the thesis must take the form of a presentation using a multimedia projector, slide projector, or. After completing the report, the SAC asked student questions as directly related to the topic of the thesis, and so close to it relevant. When answering the questions the student has a right to enjoy their work. After the discussion the student is given the final word. In his closing remarks, the student must answer reviewers' comments and the members of SAC. After the final words of a student thesis defense procedure is finished.

To report on the research paper will be limited to 15-20 minutes. The results of the thesis defense determined on the basis of the assessments: – supervisor for quality of work, the degree of compliance with requirements for the diploma work of a specialist – a reviewer for his work as a whole, taking into account the degree of validity conclusions and recommendations of their novelty and practical significance – SAC members for the content of the work, its protection, including the report, responses to reviewers' comments. Results are determined by estimates of protection "excellent", "good" "Satisfactory", "unsatisfactory" Decisions are taken by simple majority vote by open ballot and documented by the minutes the meeting SJC. The final mark is put in the record examiner and the student gradebook, which painted the chairman and all members of the SEC examiner. Appeal the results of state certification tests are not allowed. Students have not passed the state certification or have received state certification to unsatisfactory results, the right to go again no earlier than one year the state certification. Students that have not been certification test for a valid reason (for medical reasons or in other exceptional cases documented), the opportunity to pass final certification within three months after its end, but not later than four months after application, without contributions from the university.

Major Step

Stimulus – a requirement for all undertakings. Where can I get? There are times when the material is badly stored, but if the strength and the will not leave you, need to to repeat and repeat. And as a reward for your hard work will be a great joy, which gives rise to the next steps of learning. In general, "the man is such that without the stimulus does." This incentive is in education positive results have already learned. Any subject or science course is built step by step from easy to difficult, otherwise it is impossible. So, the missing step in the process of learning a great influence on the outcome, knowledge becomes disconnected, loose, full of white pyaten.Neobhodimo fully learn the next step, thus stimulated by yourself, and then be ready for the next achievement. We must remember that the results of your work – it Your score.

Whatever it may be – bad, good, out of the ordinary, and so on – but he is yours, and how he must depend on you. You should begin with the choice of a profession that you like. One of the major options to try themselves in a difficult, but interesting and creative area is the large number of electrical occupations. It is important that they all start with a seemingly complicated science – electronics. Scheduled for the near future multimedia project of studying the basic concepts of electrical engineering and electronics with a predominance of practical exercises based on easy-to-understand lessons.

The Education

Each time more important is an option to learn throughout the life, for the continued formation, the professional acceleration, to conciliate study and work. The characteristics of this model of mass are: Amount, escalabilidade, attendance to many at the same time, national and international abrangncia, interesting product for the majority, dimensionado and accepted good, low price, forts action of captation and marketing. In another article of Moran (2011) it affirms: ' ' While the dumb society and tries challenges more complex, actual superior education and in the distance it continues, in general, organized of previsible, repetitive, bureaucratic form, little attractive The school is previsible, excessively bureaucratic excessively, little stimulant for the good professors and pupils. It is nonsense that the courses almost integrally continue centered in classroom and that the education in the distance still is seen with diffidence, when not active resistance. Many areas of knowledge do not admit nor to argue the long-distance education. The necessary education to focar more, together with the intellectual ability and the preparation for the professional success, the construction of freer people each time, evolved, independent and responsible socialmente.' ' Between the technologies that the human being invented they are some that had affected the education deeply: it says it established in concepts (and not only grunts say or it mere denotativa), the alphabetical writing, the press (first of mobile type), and, without a doubt some, the set of electro-electronic technologies that from the last century had started to affect our life of almost revolutionary form: telegraph, telephone, photograph, cinema, radio, television, video, computer — today all digitalizadas and integrated they in the computer. To teach distance, however, is perfectly possible e, nowadays, the time occurs all — as, for example, when we learn through a book that was written stops in teaching some thing to them, or attend a film, to a television program or to a video that they had been made stops in teaching some thing to them, etc.