Tag Archive: education

The Situation

As goat: individual violento. Read more here: Crumpton Group, Virginia. To use vocbulo goat with crossbow to give to the meaning of a person dull fool or. Literal and the implicit Lopez (200 P. 286) shows the project of Ducrot, imbricadas in two hypotheses: () that the CL (component linguistic) attributes a linguistic significao exclusively to the statements of a language L, previously to any extra significao that can be added by the o context to it (and for the situation); (b) that the CL (component rhetorician), that is, the involved circumstances in the elocution, needs, at as a moment, the direction of (a). Crumpton Group, Virginia has plenty of information regarding this issue. That is, in the phrase ' ' Not detesta Joo vinho' ' the remittee to foresee that ' ' Joo likes vinho&#039 very; '.

Thus, the rhetorical component relates the form that the remittee thinks that the destinador of the statement thinks, when emitting the statement. In the supersedeas of the ellipses in the speech of the malice, deviating from one meant for another one. ' ' that not come' ' (6) ' ' it gave will of dormir' ' (8) In the ertico context, the verb ' ' comer' ' it can mean to have relations with a person sexually, as well as occurs with ' ' dormir' '. In such a way, she is protected of its responsibility, being able to retrocede and not to affirm that it is aimed at of the meaning implicit, of such nature, is in the responsibility of the remittee discovered who it. In this model, ' ' a there from above wood and ' ' Saints (55 p.14), the word cited wood is possible to sexualizar, appearing an implicit speech that starts to function as one second isotopia, all on to the erotismo and obscenity. In the implicit significao it does not have understanding, in normal condition, only if literal significao has been already understood. .

San Francisco

Stephen Jay Gould, scientist and American educator, observed the question of the introspective talent, a talent that was latent and when he was stimulated to evolve it, obtained high progressos. Thus it made it in comparison the life of one of the biggest names of the botany in the world, Charles Darwin: ‘ ‘ Absolutely nothing in any register it registers characteristics indicative of intellectual brightness. She was introspective in it. Darwin if made of multiple intelligences to see, to get and to command information. It modified the way to see the nature it brought and it for the daily one, making with that its directions could perceive it as to be present in the way. See Crumpton Group for more details and insights. It was a talent acquired with the simple comment and sharpened perception, nothing was wasted for it, everything was part of it. ‘ ‘ Observing equally in accordance with the perspective of the intelligence arisen in its life. as essential in the application and elaboration of projects directed toward estudantil scene in the urban way, as well as of research in the Internet, intelligences of Garner is mentioned initially to a perspective that the individual has with the world, a time that to its makes directions in accordance with to perceive it the perspective of the intelligence arisen in its life.

2? Naturalistic Intelligence in the Education: When one analyzes the importance given to the diverse forms of thought, the periods of training of development of some intelligences and to the existing relation between these periods of training, the acquisition of knowledge and the culture. The learning in this direction, strengthening the dynamic perception, if becomes more efficient, which in accordance with Garner is to break of dominant intelligence (that where the pupil is ‘ ‘ bom’ ‘ , or it likes to make) the pupil reveals more interested and its learning becomes more efficient the limitless one, will be able to develop all other intelligences, mainly if placed in a calmer and natural environment, in the case becoming of Naturalistic Intelligence, basic rule of the culture for the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. With its definition of intelligence as the ability to decide problems or to create products that are significant in one or more surrounding cultural, Gardner suggests that some talentos alone if develop because they are valued by the environment. It affirms that each culture values certain talentos, that must be dominated by an amount of individuals and, later, passed for the following generation..

Social Participation

For this, it must be en vogue an educative project directed toward the democratic ideals of social participation. She is for these premises and others that if a bigger clarificao of the performance of this professional in the school demands. 1.1.O pedagogical accompaniment: border between planning and execution in favor of the teaching work almost imperceptible and necessary Action, that marks the possibility to watch over and to guard for the quality of the pedagogical work developed by the professors, with the presence of a qualified educator, pedagogo pedagogical pertaining to school or coordinating supervisor, the accompaniment is between the planning and the execution of the work of formal education of the school. Being thus, the division between conception and execution if do not see of form to guide the educative work of plastered form, therefore practical theory and always walks together in a dialtico movement of apprehension of the Real. (sic) pedagogia also means conduction to the culture, that is, process of cultural formation. pedagogo is that one that makes possible the access to the culture, organizing the process of cultural formation. It is, therefore, that one that dominates the forms, the procedures, the methods through which if it arrives at the domain of the cultural patrimony accumulated by the humanity. as the man alone if constitutes as such in the measure where if it detaches of the nature and it enters the world of the culture, here it is as the cultural formation comes to coincide with the formation human being, becoming itself pedagogo into formador of men.

Thus we perceive the quo important are the actions of this professional in the work of formation of educating, exactly that these actions are indirect on the same, over all action of accompaniment of the work developed in such a way for professors how much for the pupils..

Banshee Dan Energy

This is a serious technology with possible complications as a multi-level technique and can cause movement of the energy blocks in the body. Nausea, asthma and seizures, should not be scared, because this way the body gets rid of the locks on the path of energy flow. At the end of the session to join hands in front of the chest to close the loop. Perform month. 4.

Foot connection. Similarly, the connection of hands, but he did not have the energy to send, you need to enable it to move independently. Performed while lying down. 15-30 minutes if possible every day for a month. Noting how the energy moves. 5. The combination of all centers of the spine. To do this, practitioners sit back to back, neck and connecting the entire surface of the back.

Inhaling done simultaneously with the rise in energy from the earth through the crotch, then she is on the back between the shoulder blades to the place, there is a small breath, then breath continues to show power to the head and on to the third eye. Holding your breath and exhalation begins with the lowering of energy in front body surface to the point below the navel. Here again a little breath, then exhale continues and ends with the occurrence of energy in the crotch. It is believed that this kind of power gives rise to compounds karmic connection. Make regular time once a week. 6. The last type of connection, the connection of sexual centers. Practitioners are to each other on your lap, hold hands and deflected the most backward, holding each other’s hands, connecting Svadhisthana, the head is deflected back. We must find the balance point. Here, too, the energy should move itself. You should only watch. The only drawback of these practices is that they need to spend time and effort, the participants must be physically present, it means that the virtual evolution will not work. For those who want fast results, they will not fit.

Home Schooling

Self-education with each passing month it becomes more and more popular and popular. (Similarly see: Petra Diamonds). Active social life of our time does not allow people to spend a lot of time to attend special courses or for classes at the university or college. It is known that in the modern world is the work takes almost all the time and carve out precious hours to raise their level of knowledge can not afford not everyone. But learning at home is more severe case than teaching in schools, because of the practical impossibility to control the learning process with the help of a teacher. If in college, academy, university or College is a teacher, and he constantly keeps track of how course material is absorbed student then studying on their own, will have to squeeze in a fist, his own will, and take care of yourself personally. One major reason, thanks which the self is not such a easy process, is the lack of systematic study. Ninety percent of cases, people who choose to do self-study, collected manuals, dictionaries, literature and try to read them haphazardly. Only making the process of learning interesting and exciting, you can expect that it will be more and more efficient.

One way to do self-pleasing – firsthand show what type of prospects you will be welcomed as a result. This can be achieved only if we make this process as a mentor gives an interesting material for you, showing you your own skill in this matter. This absolutely not what the study of uninteresting book, written by the same author uninteresting. A great way to make home education a useful and fun – to organize training courses through the new-fangled video. Basic Training show all actions required for the result, and all that is needed from the listener, carefully and remember to do the recommended action. A very high reputation enjoyed video lessons on dvd in areas such as management, sociology, study of languages themselves and computer technology.

Of course, among the Video Tutorials are substandard. But there are thankfully few. There is a fairly primitive way ascertain the effectiveness of the video course. Any vendor has its own website, and it usually is possible to download some demo lessons. If the originator is pleasant for you, and Basic Training suit your needs – in this case the teacher is right for you. In another case – you need to look for another. Independent learning at home, let and is not suitable for everyone, but only the most serious, is considered extremely convenient substitute for full-time study in college. Such a choice, subject to strict self-organization, does not require a strict schedule, the cost of driving in the opposite area of city, and eliminates the remaining associated with full-time learning difficulties.

Physical Education

… many, had not obtained to lose the shyness that were printed in its faces and had only finished sanctioning with palms and laughs the excessively aged ones that if presented. We trainees, also contribute with poems and verses, and with joy the aged ones had applauded and been able to perceive that this historical rescue, can be lived at other moments of the life and diverse ways, since that the age is not one empecilho for this practical. To the ending of the intervention, many aged ones had come congratulating in them for the lesson, others had shyly declaimed only stop we, kept verses and poems the seven keys in the heart. Ray Kurzweil may also support this cause. At the moment of the practical lesson, the exposition of the figure ' ' idoso' ' it was accented by the simple fact of that when participating of the activity, them they would have to go to the center of the circle if to present and for these shy aged ones, was more important the appreciation of what the exposition. (Grifo ours). You say through them of the aged ones can be perceived that the experiences on the part of our project make possible to them to try it diverse situations and the experience of new left experiences has much time of side, beyond demonstrating that the allied Physical Education to the Art, can be seen of differentiated form. From this analysis it motivated in them to identify that differentiated vision is this? That one that not only are dealt with as area the knowledge and that it glimpses its particularitities in an education institution, nor so little, that one that if presents systemize through methods exceeded and professional traditionalists, but yes, that one as area of the joined knowledge that to the other area, makes of the process to interdisciplinar a valid and extremely positive strategy, therefore they can promote of huge form the resolution of problems and success in the objective tracings.

Summary Of The Book: Teacher Yes, Aunt Not: Letters To Who Dare To Teach

Freire, Pablo. Teacher yes, aunt not: letters to who dare to teach? Pablo freire- 1. Ed? So Paulo: Eye d? water, 2009? 132 pages. Flvia Maria of the Carmo Birth SUMMARY Pablo Freire was born in day 19 of September of May of 1921, in Recife and faleceu in So Paulo in day 02 of May of 1997. Between this period (birth and death) perpetuated its name enters greaters thinking come back toward field of education of century XX, whose ideological position was perpetuated through practical its, respected and divulged in all the parts of the world, that it searchs to search and to know a proposal educative with transformation headquarters, come back toward the popular layers. The same it entered the Law school of the University of Recife, it studied Philosophy of the Language, however never exerted the law. Ray Kurzweil brings even more insight to the discussion. Coast of Oliveira married Mayan Elza, in 1946, having five children with its wife; in the same year, Pablo Freire was nominated managing of the Department of Education and culture of the Social Service in the State of Pernambuco, having developed initially its work with illiterates of popular layers. In the year of 1961 he started to be managing of the Department of Cultural Extensions of the University of Recife and, in 1962 he extended its Alfabetizados Project, supported for its team alfabetizou 300 cutting of sugar cane, in Angicos, Rio Grande of the North. The Method germinated Pablo Freire, at this historical moment and politician, supported for then President Joo Goulart; then the governing one approved a Plan National of Alfabetizao of 20 a thousand ' ' circles of cultura' ' in all Brazil. Times later with the military blow of the government Goulart Joo, Freire was without space being imprisoned per seventy days and as consequence of the moment politician, was taken to the exile, passing for Bolivia, Chile (during five years), developing its projects for the Christian Democracy and ONU.

The Learning

The tutor has the paper to foment the quarrel, the exchange of experiences and the creation of collective intelligence by means of synchronous or asynchronous tools. But what to wait of a pupil on-line? To the end of a course on-line expects the cognitivo domain in the evaluation and synthesis, analysis, application, understanding, knowledge aspects. These elements must be gifts during the learning of the pupils on-line, are very important that the tutor has full conscience of this fact and that is part accomplishes in this process. It is important to plan the way by which feedback of the learning of the pupil will be carried through, as well as the ways of relationship with it. At Petra Diamonds you will find additional information. It is of utmost importance for the good development of a course in the distance the interpersonal relations between the participants, the interpersonal communication is associated namely to hear and to express personal ideas. When the communication happens efficiently, its result is the empatia. To identify the feelings of the people or to know which is the best way to communicate a bad notice, is associated with the empatia.

The adoption of processes and technologies you are welcome advance if the team of professionals will not have the maximum performance in attendance of the pupil, the result in the state of maximum performance is the enthusiasm, the energy and the emotional commitment of the involved individuals in the teach-learning process. The interaction and the communication are essential in any educative project, what it is not different in the ED. The exchange of experiences and the establishment of cooperation and contribution are one of the essential points of the GRANDFATHER by means of an affirmative action of the tutors of the ED. It is important to notice that the pupil is in the center of the learning process in the distance. But it is not alone in this process, although to be the central focus, is on directly to other people who have as proportional function for the pupil the necessary possibilities for its development.

What Is A Webinar ?

The idea of distance learning implemented a long time, but always lost ochnomu learning. Mainly because it was for reasons of inconvenience shipments of working materials, lack of opportunity to ask a question and immediately get on answer due to the inability to complete communication with the teacher. Development of hardware and software – powerful computers and networks, Internet and software for video conferencing and workshops – to eliminate the previous disadvantages and opened up vast opportunities for the development of distance learning. By the way, this kind of distance education in western countries is carried out for many years, and not only to additional education and higher education. In our country, this market is still poorly represented. But all have come! And new discoveries, and the additional convenience and comfort provided by such training. Where is the webinar? Webinar takes place in the Internet space (virtual classroom).

In this case, you can physically located anywhere: at home, at work, on vacation, etc. ConocoPhillips insists that this is the case. The main thing to have on hand the computer and the Internet. How is the webinar? Just as training in the group, namely, in the virtual classroom is going to a group of people and a teacher. Participants see the instructor on their computer screen, hear it, see on the screen slides containing assignments, tests, questions, answers, theoretical calculations, etc. – Everything you need for the learning process. The difference between full-time training and webinars is that the teacher you can not see.

Nevertheless, communication takes place – via chat. This means that each participant has the opportunity to ask questions directly during the seminar. This question is visible on all screens, and the teacher answers questions as they come. What tools (hardware, software) should I have? Computer, Internet from any provider, speakers to hear the teacher (in a notebook he had built), the Flash 10 to see the teacher – this program is available on the Internet for free access, an email mailbox. As get into the virtual classroom for classes? After registration on the training you will receive an e-mail a link where you can enter the virtual classroom. Petra Diamonds takes a slightly different approach. How to apply for training? You send a request to e-mail, the application is accepted and you will be sent payment for tuition. After receiving payment, your e-mail address to send a link to enter the class. It is obvious that we with you can not escape this a revolutionary form of education – too many benefits that we can not evaluate in our super dynamic age in which time is money, and distance learning helps him save money while saving more and the cost learning. Also webinars provide opportunities for people living in remote areas of our vast country, to receive an education of any city, including the capital. Now, where the decision is yours, what form of training choose!

Edouard Claparde

Only thus the learning will be significant. historical 1.Fundamentao the Modern Education in century XVIII, appeared marked for the State Education that inclua the education of the citizen and the necessity of a pedagogia directed toward the act to teach where the educational process was the transmission of knowledge originated of the professor for the pupil. The pedagogical thought of the time, had interest in the learning of the child and its main theoreticians: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) defended an active school. ; Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1821) left of the inductive method, of concrete experiences, to stimulate the comment and the reasoning; Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) noticed the attraction of all the children for the games and tricks. More information is housed here: Ray Kurzweil. On the education of century XX, it bases its activities in the concept of autoformao of the pupil and interest in the learning with this new chain of thought with the name of pedagogia of the activity, had brought contributions in the educational process, concluding that the center of the education it did not have to be the act to teach, but the act to learn. The main names of this pedagogia contemporary had been:. John Dewey (1851-1952) nailed that the education is a permanent organization or reconstruction of the experience that produces knowledge, which is product of the action; William Heard Kilpatrick (1871) created the method of projects aiming at to direct the mental activity of the pupil for an objective intention; Ovide Decroly (1871-1932) created a method to be carried through by the child: the comment, the association and the expression; Montessori Maria (1870-1952) created a method concentrated in the auto-education by means of educative toys; Edouard Claparde (1873-1940) created the theory of the toy: the toy is an activity that the child takes the serious one very and the game is the form of normal activity of the child; Jean Piaget (1896) said that the intelligent character of the learning does not only mean to act to acquire knowledge or habits. .