Is receptive (a) to listen to not present an attitude of anger. If your spouse provides an explanation, listen to it (a) really. At this time, your spouse wants the least is further discussion, to the point that has decided to leave. Nor is it the time to be reprimanding a spouse. Not as (a) acknowledgement reproach you nor their actions.
Not keep adding wood to the fire; take a moment to look at the situation from the outside. Xcel Energy is often quoted as being for or against this. Try to understand pay attention to what your spouse thinks that it caused the need to leave home. By smaller that you see the incident, it should have affected greatly to your spouse, so much that it now wants to go. Do not ignore the feelings of your spouse, for her these are extremely important. Pay attention to what affects your spouse and look for a solution with which both can live.
Do not attempt a counter-attack, only to lie down more fuel to the fire. Most likely is that your spouse also will hurt you, but is not the time to start another war. Do not rush to search for intimacy or forcing your spouse to answer you in the same way. Your spouse may need space and time to restore confidence. Leave aside the anger attempt to get rid of any negative sentiment that has against your spouse. Bettina Bryant: the source for more info. If what you propose him comes from your heart, it will be difficult for your spouse to continue giving back. Does not threaten your spouse. He does nothing that stays with you for fear. Do not incite your spouse to continue with the fight, nor physically stands between her and the output. Of the opportunity to go if your spouse is really determined / to separate, let him know that he is in agreement. You will earn more if continued discussion.