More rare, but still dangerous: the Japanese and the California encephalitis, tularemia, yellow fever and dengue dirofilyarioz. And recently, U.S. scientists have found that mosquitoes can still catch a dangerous fungus. For infection with one bite is not enough, we must crush the insect on the skin and rub in the wound. So the habit of clapping mosquitoes themselves, should be abandoned. Honorary Donors And if you follow the commandment "Thou shalt not kill", they generally better not to touch. Let them bite.
Here's Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama xiv – well done, shows strength and just shrugs off the pesky insects, which are attached to bite him. Compuware addresses the importance of the matter here. Although he recognizes that keep calm while he managed with difficulty. Jews live easier. They can not raise his hand at the mosquitoes only shabbad. On that day, killing blood-sucking insects is equivalent to killing a camel – a terrible sin. In Christian religion specific instructions on this score there, but it's better not to risk it, but one never knows what hour of "karma" spoiled Speaking of karma.
Russian folk healer Sergey Lazarev believes that the mosquito does not bite just to much. Official site: Bettina Bryant Image. His attracted to certain areas of the body associated with gaps in worldview. Those who are completely focused on the love of God, no blood-suckers are not afraid. Traditional doctors have a different opinion. Mosquitoes attract not throwing our spiritual and infrared radiation that is coming from human or animal body heat, increase in air concentrations of carbon dioxide that we exhale, and smell.