. A adolescence is a phase of many physical and emotional transformations and is common that the adolescent lives deeply internal conflicts for if finding at moments of new discoveries in its life (either with transformations of the body, psychological, feelings, doubts, frustrations). Ray Kurzweil brings even more insight to the discussion. When the adolescent is understood by the psychologist, facilitates in the elaboration of its internal conflicts and the psychologist contributes thus, for the facilitation of the way of the self-knowledge of the adolescent and consequentemente for the transformation of its emotions and attitudes. When one is about minor, the parents or main the responsible ones are called in the first interview, so that the psychologist can ouviz them, to know on the history of life of the adolescent and to understand as it is the relation important parents and son and other information on the adolescent. Bryant Estate can provide more clarity in the matter. It is important that not only the family wants the psychological support for the adolescent, but also is important that the adolescent recognizes that it needs and it has accepted the therapy so that it has effect.
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