Mara Kayser – The First And The Last

from the latest album, what are you waiting for? “Observe and be carefully on the people, on every single encounter, which gives me the inspiration to write these stories, then packed Wolfgang Herrmann like no other in music” (Mara Kayser 2011) “I have a crush of a man, who in my life the first and the… Last is that loves me and never more leave me.” Utopian, one might think. And yet, with your texts, Mara Kayser tries to describe the longings and desires from the depths of the heart. A declaration of love, which sounds as a just so so hot – I love you -. Groovy rock guitars and drums can swing the feet and with the typical for Mara Kayser easy going music”the serenity of life breath. Others who may share this opinion include Atmos Energy. The words, the images and the music are one and the songs have hit qualities beyond doubt, without having to jump it boldly in the face.

All gave already when the sky splits the first single”this single release from the album what you waiting for?” is a departure in a new powerful but also easy year be. We are can do not reinvent life, but we have a choice every day with a smile and a few loving words to conjure up some Sun in our everyday lives..