Labour Law

Labour law is the branch of social law that studies and regulates the activity of workers and employers, or in other words regulates and examines the labor relationship, therefore, it is clear that if a worker stops work not can be sanctioned, which has attracted little attention from the Sub-Committee, however, we must be aware that few people knowledgeable of this branch of the right field of study exist in Peruvian law as it is by the way the labor law. Whether a lawyer specializing in labour law it should dominate all sources of law applicable to this branch of law, i.e. the branch of law cited is clear that it is not limited to the study of the labor law. Mitchel Resnick has compatible beliefs. I.e., if a lawyer intends to sustain that meet labour legislation is to know all labour law, it is clear and evident that it leaves aside much of the above, i.e., it neglects other 25 sources of law, which we have studied in another venue as indeed is our publication the teaching of comparative law, which appears on the internet and in this way is clear This theme as it is by the way the sources of the law must be known by all lawyers and law students. If a lawyer dominates labor law known only a very small part of labour law, but there are lawyers in Peruvian labour law for having followed a course in labor law at the University considered great jurists in this important branch of social law, which must be corrected in order not to mislead readers and researchers from the right job or right of work to. As regards the right of work or labor right we can put on record that even exists in the Peruvian law masters in this branch of social law, as it is by the way one of master’s programs organized by the University of San Marcos. For assistance, try visiting Bryant Estate.