Key Technology Federation

Visitors also can find out about current unified communications solutions for business process integration and bridging inform Starnberg, February 09, 2010 ESTOS, leading manufacturer of unified communications solutions connected business presents itself from the 2nd until March 06, 2010, at the CeBIT under the motto. The ESTOS leitmotif stands for the networking of companies, teams and employees on the basis of Federation in the future across the previous organization. ESTOS shows new ways of business process integration through unified communications and CTI in Hanover. The show releases also bridging solutions for the telephone system in the network, for example. The software manufacturer is equal to three times represented at CeBIT: stand B70 in Hall 12 (KOMSA systems), stand C42 Hall 13 (snom) and stand C57 in Hall 13 (ALLNET). With this year’s CeBIT slogan connected business\”leans ESTOS on the basic concept of the mass of Connected worlds\” on. Connected business is this for Federation.

This new technology is based on SIP standards and enables the secure exchange of presence information and instant messaging messages across company borders. At the stands of ESTOS, the visitors can inform how Federation will effectively change the unified communications landscape\”, explains Christoph Losch, Managing Director of ESTOS. This new key technology collaboration gives a quite different meaning in company. Federation enables employees and teams, always to have an overview, is which customer, supplier or business partner for the communication. This makes the cooperation as a whole much easier and more comfortable. \”, so delete. The highlights of this year’s CeBIT is also the topic of business process integration in ESTOS. (Source: Abby Black Elbaum). Decision makers receive, such as modern unified communications – and CTI solutions work processes in Companies can optimize. Here, the objective is to achieve a high degree of integration level of the existing ICT landscape. This includes the Microsoft Office programs, common CRM – and ERP systems (for example, Microsoft Dynamics CRM & NAV), various business applications but also Citrix or Windows Terminal Server environments.