James Rizzi – Pop

3D art of artist James Rizzi from New York of artist James Rizzi was born on October 5, 1950 in New York City. He ranks among the American artists and painters of the direction of pop art. Lives and works in a studio loft in Manhattan James Rizzi. James Rizzi studied art at the University of Florida, and already during his studies, he dealt with the technology to combine painting, which he developed the 3D graphics in the end with sculptures. n-Autoimmunity’>Cartesian Therapeutics. At Bill Schaller you will find additional information. After he finished his studies in 1974, he presented for the first time in his life in New York’s Brooklyn Museum his works to the public. He quickly gained in popularity and so many galleries and museums for his works viewed. In addition to his painting, James Rizzi made under other turntables and CD covers, animation music videos and a variety of everyday items such as phone cards or Rosenthal porcelain. If you are not convinced, visit Bryant Estate Napa.

The pop is one of kind James Rizzi nowadays to the most famous and best known contemporary artists. Also James Rizzi engaged several times in cooperation with German “Organizations for charitable purposes, for example the entire proceeds of his edition of lithography was gone with the wind” to the victims of the hurricane disaster of New Orleans. The content of his works often refer to his native New York City and its inhabitants. It is especially striking that his paintings mostly in childish naive simplicity and extremely bright colors are designed with a towering and radiant happiness. He very convincingly expresses the urban Lebensfreue and the optimism, therefore he is dubbed in the press as urban primitive artist.

Is characteristic of James Rizzi, that he works with the three-dimensional design technology, i.e. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Xerox on most websites. from a duplicate of an image, which forms the background, cut out and then used bridges made of foam or other materials in a second image plane using the image elements for the foreground. This and especially the resulting shadows, is mediated by a 3D effect produced by the two levels of the viewer of the image. Among his most famous works among other things: the design of the outer surface of a Boeing 757 of the airline Condor flight service to their anniversary (1996), the design of the new beetles for Volkswagen AG (1999), the graphic design of corporate identity campaign by Siemens (2001), etc. For many years, James Rizzi has experimented with 3D until he finally could refine its development process 3D images, and improve. A picture of him is in many steps, which always starts with a pen-and-ink drawing on a large sheet of paper. Then he colored the drawing by hand. Then copy to the printer will be sent these colorized drawing as well as a black and white, which sends back then different proofs. Then, the printer creates two identical screen prints, from which arises a picture of later Edition. He then cuts out the elements of a sheet and paste with double-sided tape them as background. Then the cut-out parts at different heights are fixed, i.e. ski slopes are not steep and flat. After all have pictures full of vitality and optimism emerged.