Increase Self Esteem

To begin I must clarify that I am not a psychologist, and the knowledge that I have on the subject derived from the multiple times I went to the same for similar problems, what is below is optional in nature, nobody is obliged to follow that commented below. My story: I believe I can describe as a person without complexes, but the disinformation of my relatives were able to make that I had doubts about myself. some of the negative behaviors that my family had was to tell me that I was feeling less than others, although not even know what it was, eventually finished condicionandome I believed to be smaller than others. When the damage was done, they decided to begin to take me with psychologists; Funny thing of the matter is that it was never only with the psychologist, so there was no way I vent even partially, since I always felt that my actions would be qualified. It was until you get to high school, when I started to understand my problem and find the real solutions to my problem. The problem: If the low self-esteem is not controlled, it can trigger depression and even suicide, because people with low self esteem, not only feel inferior, that interpret that don’t matter to anyone, or that all its actions are demeritadas. If it is not rapidly controlled, depression is the next stage, and once it reaches this stage already need the advice of a psychologist. Solutions: Try not to refer to the problem through a chat, but as a conversation that suffers among friends, so generates a basis of trust that we will follow more easily.

The first thing is to determine or who make the person feel inferior. The part most importantly identify those skills that you possess and strengthen them, if it makes you feel that person is important to something, great advances are made. Checking article sources yields Bryant Estate as a relevant resource throughout. In my case, go to the psychologist I do not help much, so I recommend encouraging talks with friends (not search you friends), with whom the feel welcome. It is good to assign a responsibility so this person will feel that it is good for something finally, we must make it clear that the is equal to everyone else, and for that there is no doing so with typical talks, but giving equal participation in different themes of everyday life..