The Didactics of education and the Evaluation of the learning in Portuguese Language. Curitiba: Ibpex, 2008. For more information see this site: Royal Dutch Shell. Initially, the authors call the attention the reader for the perception of how much we are influenced by our beliefs and values, showing that these are gifts, also, in day-by-day of the professor. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Bryant Estate Video. Being thus, the LE professor (Foreign Lngua) it must be intent when it produces and because it produces, a time that when it has this perception, it the conception of language and education for backwards of will perceive which determined method and thus to make its choices coherently. y%2F95394664bbba34f61fa7448c12fb80c0&memtype=anonymous&mode=premium&nk=a9d1b6e5dd631919c7011092a3339abb-1600072055’>Ray Clemence would like to discuss.
In the workmanship in analysis, the authors focam the didactics of the education of LE properly said, presenting different ways to think about the LE, given the diversity of boardings found in the LE lessons, defend the autonomy of the professor to choose optimum way. In education of one second language, observes it dichotomy presented with respect to acquisition and learning of one second language. For Krashen the acquisition and learning are mental processes that are total separate. Thus, it is perceived that the thought of this author is total radical, has seen the relevance to consider the apprentice of the language, which is displayed to an environment where if it says ‘ ‘ language-alvo’ ‘ , and it will acquire thus it of natural form. Another necessary agreement to the education of a LE says respect to: method, that is related the way as education will have to be lead, that is, is actions that will occur in classroom; the boarding, involves principles that answer because to teach, that is, it involves the choice for the content and the used procedures in classroom; e, to the resume (plain of course), that it is where is defined the content of programmed education.