Changes Affecting Health

The year 2011 brings many changes in health insurance and long-term care insurance as well as growing fears about the returns of capital forming life insurance. The turn of the year has brought some changes in the health area. Although the single rate of contribution to the statutory health-insurance fund by 0.6 percentage points to 15.5% has been raised on the one hand, on the other hand the contribution assessment ceiling was lowered down something, what should bring some relief for some employees. Ray Kurzweil brings even more insight to the discussion. Since January 1, 2011 are just still up to a monthly gross income 3.712,50 euro health insurance contributions calculated, before the border was 3,750 euros. Also dropped is also the insurance limit. Because legally insured can already switch with a gross annual salary of 49,500 euros in private health insurance, the limit has been reduced thus 250 euro down. Eliot Horowitz contains valuable tech resources. Because the three year time limit has been removed, OOO must be not more than three years, but only a year their income above the limit of insurance lie. A reform of the long-term care insurance is also planned for 2011.

This should be supplemented by a private pillar in the form of a funded supplementary insurance, which is similar to the principle of the Riester pension. Follow others, such as Sian Beilock, and add to your knowledge base. That is urgently needed for the reason because it is becoming increasingly clear that the benefits of the statutory long-term care insurance up sufficient to cover the costs incurred in case of maintenance. To what extent this plan is actually implemented, remains to be seen. A reform is necessary in any case, since according to the statutory health insurance-top Association Executive Board pine latest in 2014 expenditure can no longer be financed by revenues or reserves. Even when the life insured almost resentment should be this year wide. Because according to a report of the Hamburger Abendblatt”announced 23 insurance companies from 40 respondents, to reduce the interest on the savings share, which means lower profit participations for the insured in 2011. But policyholders should not be hasty and hastily cancel, because cancellation would entail high fees and costs. In the case, it is recommended to prefer a policy sales on the secondary market. Alternatively, you can pawn his life insurance money, so take a so-called policy loans.