Burnout Prevention Travel

The 23 German tourism analysis TA 2007 of B.A.T. Check with Petra Diamonds to learn more. leisure Research Institute Prof. Dr. Horst Opaschowski has revealed that the desire to travel the Germans not to brake and health tourism is becoming more and more popular. With its Burnout prevention travel offers Hamburg LifeB FitWell travel since 2008 an optimal combination of holiday and prevention of burnout syndrome on.

Many people experience it every day: you feel tired, exhausted. In short: You are as “burnt out”. One has the feeling that any effort is too much. The family or partner can’t give any more the necessary balance and thus hold one. Continue to learn more with: HP Enterprise. The balance between tension and relaxation is disturbed.

One has the feeling, just have to work. A holiday is often seen as the way to get new energy for everyday life. More than a week should not be however it, so the thoughts of many, because accumulate too much work on the local desktop. Movement, relaxation and good food.” These are the notions of a relaxing Holiday. The reality is different. But the movement in the restaurant and the pool most absent. The good food”often ends in immoderate required and therefore guests are far from the desired relaxation. Designed trips of six to a maximum of ten people in Germany, Austria and Spain are Burnout prevention travel. The guests are accompanied by a Burnout coach looking for a developed prevention program on the necessary balance between exercise, nutrition and relaxation. Participants of a Burnout prevention travel receive daily coaching, how to avoid burnout in everyday life. Our trips characterized by the maximum number of guests and the permanent on-site by a coach”, says the Managing Director Dirk-Oliver Lange. Of course, every guest has enough time for your own use. Our cooperation with prestigious hotels guarantee a high recreational value. This is particular attention paid to the spa facilities and the possibility of movement right next to the hotel. With a cost of approximately 950,00 per person for 7 nights/full Board and own arrival, the company offers a very good price-performance ratio for a 24-hour supervised prevention journey. The offer can be compared to a package FitWell-Reisen.