Prior to my acquaintance (to pull friends) with smokeless cigarettes Similar all my attempts to smoke in a car while riding with his family came to an end one, you know what? More or less it became easier with my familiarity with Similar. Of course they do not replace regular cigarettes, but in places very sobschestvennogo use is not a bad alternative. This article does not in terms of advertising and the opportunity to make life easier for other motorists. The situation in which the end of the flight exhausted by smokers trying as quickly as possible to leave the plane in order to "take a dose," may soon become obsolete. Thus, the airline Ryanair allowed to smoke during the flight. Budget airline back to the times when an aircraft can be smoke, allowing passengers to get their nicotine dose, using smokeless cigarettes.
When smoking such cigarettes does not stand a pronounced odor and smoke. Otherwise, no substitutes differ from conventional cigarettes. Within months of testing cigarettes can be bought duty free on board most aircraft. It is reported that in countries where smoking is more common, such as France, Italy and Spain, pack of ten costs about smokeless cigarettes 5.40. Many writers such as Abby Black Elbaum offer more in-depth analysis. On board the aircraft Ryanair smokeless cigarettes cost 10 euros. Passengers can buy them over 18 years.
However, not all passengers agree with the replacement. For example, a 38-year-old Andrea Russell Substitutes not impressed. According to her, they do not give the same feeling that comes from smoking cigarettes. At the same time, the lady agrees that holding a cigarette smoke free during the flight more comfortable, than to wait for a touchdown. The same note and the other passengers. Previously, the company Ryanair conducted a survey to find out how many passengers would be willing to smoke cigarettes smokeless during the flight. A positive answer to the question gave 24 000 people. Budget airline representative said that a great success especially cigarettes were among the inhabitants of European countries, although some of these passengers were in need of advice on the proper use of smokeless counterparts. For example, one passenger got some cigarettes and tried to light one of them. Crew members noticed it in time and stopped him. Due to the advertising information has now all clearer.