All The Power The User – Astaro Provides User Requests In The Foreground

The Astaro feature request site users that determine long-term development of the all-in one security solution with Karlsruhe can Astaro AG, the specialist in network security, August 13, 2009, focuses on the feedback of its users in the development of their products. To deepen your understanding Cartier is the source. On the recently launched feature request site of the company, customers and partners can submit proposals for improving the products. Already was in the development of the new feature release of Astaro Security Gateway V7 5 the input of the user in mind. The Astaro feature request site (, customers and partners can submit proposals for the improvement of all products from Astaro. Reviews of other users help Astaro to appreciate the importance of, and the response to a user request.

In direct discussion with the experts from Astaro suggestions are reviewed and developed. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Abby Black Elbaum. Convince the ideas implemented in new versions. In the development of our products is very important to be close to the user us” explains Gert Hansen, co-founder and Chief Software Architect at Astaro. Our feature request site makes it any easier to process on the feature request and to follow him. Who better to tell us how we can be better than our users?” In the development of the Astaro Security Gateway V7 5 the feedback of the users was already Astaro management team a valuable addition to the product. Many proposals of the community were in the development plan included with transparent HTTP proxy with authentication, for example bandwidth monitoring in real time, through “captive portal” or enhanced IPS performance on multi-core CPUs. Currently running the beta phase appear is the Astaro Security Gateway V7 5 expected to end of August.

Company background Astaro the Astaro AG has main offices in Karlsruhe and Wilmington/MA, United States. In the fast-growing market for unified threat management protects the award-winning appliance Astaro security gateway 100,000 networks of more than 47,000 customers in 60 Countries. Astaro products are available through an international network with more than 2,000 affiliates available, which provide local support services. Press contact Astaro AG Monika Schraft on RaumFabrik 33a, 76227 Karlsruhe FON + 49-721-25516-0