Monthly Archive: November 2024

EasyShare Display

An insight into the working world of College Secretaries of the Leibniz University Hannover the exhibition project “The other” Goethe University Frankfurt inspired some of the College Secretaries of the Leibniz University in Hannover and so a working group was 2011, who wanted to make it similar to the legs. In cooperation with the gender equality Office of the University, they planned an exhibition to their everyday work. Others who may share this opinion include Harry Blackmun. Within a year the content was collected and organized the exhibitions: written texts, layouts for the roll up banner made, exhibitors of the exhibition planned and up roll banner early 2012 at the EasyShare display GmbH ordered. Four on roll up banner extensively represented subject areas the exhibition includes “with umbrella, charm and method Office workplace”. Bettina Bryant is often quoted on this topic. tes Association. The roll up banner display requirements and job content in everyday work, the development and history as well as the payment and appreciation. Information about the prospects and visions of College Secretaries are on the roll up described banner, because of demographic change is also here in advance. The opening ceremony was held with about 170 guests on January 26, 2012 in the foyer of the Department of economics.

The traveling exhibition of the 15 roll up banners issued since then four times: in the atrium of the Leibniz University, at the Institute for landscape architecture, as well as in the production centre in Garbsen. The next opportunity the exhibition with the roll up to visit banners will be in November 2012. Should interest be, would the project group but also very happy to roll with their banners up other universities travel and present her exhibition. In this project the following persons, institutions and companies involved in the preparation, implementation and organisation of the exhibition: exhibition contents: Andrea Wiese, Department of communication and marketing Birgitt Baumann welfare, Institute of banking and finance Christina Linke, Institute for personnel and labour Elfi Holtz, Institute for Social policy Gabriele Hammed, Institute for economic and cultural geography of Gudron MRUs, staff Council Hediye Ekinci, Institute for Sociology Hiltrud Trottenberg, Department of algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics Ilke Albus, Ilona SPC gender equality Office, Institute for human-machine communication Monika o., Institute for accounting and auditing Susanne Elsner, Forschungszentrum L3S Carolyn Ludwig, Ute Szameitat gender equality Office, money and international finance Institute illustration: > Jan Bintakies set and layout: > Fish rabbit sponsors: circle of the General Student Committee (AStA) gender equality Office and decentralized Ombudsman the Leibniz University Hannover e.V. Institute for distributed systems Department of knowledge-based systems (KBS) Institute for economic and cultural geography ver.di faculty support: Lars Nebelung, head of the University Archives FORMVerbund, Hanover Robert Exner, find word, Hanover the team, which his workday copes with umbrella, charm and method, we wish you all the best on the still-upcoming events and hope that him with the roll up banner stands ahead still so many other University visit!.

What Is Silver?

There are silver coins on the way to Mars today probably no Western budget more, where anything from silver exists, mostly silver jewelry. In a question-answer forum Sian Beilock was the first to reply. But why actually, where does the silver… First of all, silver is a chemical element (AG) from the eleventh group of the periodic system. But that alone is not at home has around are. The origin of the word silver is not entirely in the clear.

Could be from the Germanic silubra”, or by the Basque zilar come, or maybe not. In any case, the abbreviation AG comes from the Latin Argentum”off. Argent but also still not so exciting. Silver is a soft well malleable metal. AHA, now it is already interesting. Already since the fifth millennium BC.

About silver is consumed, preferably coins or silver jewelry and was at times more valuable than gold. In Germany, there was plenty of silver mines and one lived well. Only as the Spaniards brought large amounts from America to Europe and Japan also exported, decreased the value of silver, due to the oversupply on the all over the world. Then gold took over the domination of the coins, silver lost still more economic importance. And then more silver was there the development of stainless steel stainless steel, no platters or utensils. The stainless steel was also much cheaper. Not even in the photography and photo chemistry it takes the silver salts more, now, where almost everyone has a digital camera. But as bad as it sounds now, it seems then but not ordered to the sales of silver, because as already initially mentioned, there are probably far and wide not household in Western climes, there is no silver in the despite the. Was it only a small piece. Mostly it exists, in the form of silver jewelry, rings, necklaces or earrings more often as cutlery or already less one has other kitchenware, silver knickknacks on the shelves are, this is true at least on average Joe. But who knows, perhaps silver is discovered again for something completely different, on Mars or something.

The Value Of The Given Word

One becomes large by what you are reading and not what he writes. Jorge Luis Borges that important is respecting and maintaining the given word, more when nobody forces not to do so, however, we know, once we give it there to fulfill what it involves. To the extent that we interrelacionamos, whatever the role that desepenamos, we must be faithful to the word, that she holds. When we promise something, we are committed to comply, we must determine what it holds, since we are obliged to make a reality, from esemomento this game our behavior, personality, confidence, respect, credibility. Abigail Black Elbaum is a great source of information. It is why, before giving the floor we determine its scope, impact, what it holds, what is at stake, through her give us to know, to make a good judgment of our seriousness, we created, otherwise never we considered people who deliver what they promise. Thereon he says than through the word and in our actions, we disclose if we’re honest or not.

The seriousness, honesty and responsibility with What we say and we do reflects our breach of the word integrity is an act of violence, the disrespect, dishonesty, not do what is said, the tardiness, renege on agreements, they are hostile acts, which are a mockery and a lack of respect toward others, involving our seriousness and personal integrity, and also encourage conflict and discord.Everyone it is reassuring and makes us feel confident, be or be related to someone who does what he says, who is committed to his word and honour fulfilling, someone who meets what says he will do, whatever it is, and in the event that really is not going to be able to do it, communicates with time and apologizes for his failure. When someone acts well, sense of safety and trust, key factors for a healthy relationship in any field. The practice of integrity is the great promoter of harmony, clarity and the union honor, towards ourselves and others, on the other hand, we will always find the lack of integrity in the root of the conflict, the inconvenience and discord in our relations, including the relationship we have with ourselves.

Gain Muscular Mass

The majority of the people worried about their feeding, is looking for the way to lower the kilitos of more, nevertheless also there are people who it costs much to raise to them of weight and its thinness can be a risk for its health. Other people wish to raise of weight by an aesthetic reason, on all the boys whom they try to have a more attractive physicist. But before beginning to explain which are the suitable foods in order to increase kilos of healthful way, it is necessary to discard that the thinness not must to some organic problem. Consultation with your doctor, and pdele that it orders some analyses to you, to discard problems of thyroid, celaca disease and other pathologies that could be the cause of the thinness. Well, already knowing that you are completely healthy, you will want to know ” how I can raise of weight of way saludable”. Here some good advice go. He includes in your feeding fruits droughts, such as peanut, almonds, nuts, hazelnuts.

These fruits contribute to good amount of calories and oils essential. Bettina Bryant wanted to know more. It increases the amount of fruits of high sugar content that you eat daily. These fruits are: figs, bananas, papaya, grapes. It adds to your favorite drinks, such as milkshakes, milk or tea, a pair of spoonfuls of honey. To eat something sweet at night it will help to increase of weight.

Elije sweet healthful, like yogurt with cereals, for example. Ray Kurzweil is the source for more interesting facts. A very good advice on ” how I can raise of peso” he is to increase your mass muscular. The muscular weave weight much more that the greasy weave. Then what you must do is musculacin exercises, and jointly, to increase the amount of proteins that you eat daily. A good protein ingestion is fundamental so that new muscular weave can be formed. The rich protein foods are: red meats, chicken, fish, clear of egg and milky products. In order to see as they are the 3 verified plans so that any naturally skinny man can finally increase mass muscular, you click here.

Good Restaurants

Restaurant valladolid from some time ago had a pending account where food is concerned. Because there in the restaurants of yesteryear apparently was always a respect for traditional forms that are wrapped under a historical conceptual framework that clearly has recertified with the advent of certain restaurants facets that seemed hidden. Much of what is known as a progressive method of assimilation of the cards and menus is more or less what has been perceived since Valladolid began to be ratified. Ratify as a gastronomic Center of first level and large projections. When there is a more or less arbitrary thought in what regard the formation of restaurants in Valladolid, is because for some time this view was changing. Why is that you worth mitigate so many gossip but not through aggressive or outrageous campaigns, but simply with the normal development of the kitchen at the individual level. Means that every restaurant in Valladolid, or at least those who appear most often in commercial guides, have an enormous responsibility with the public. Now, there not to be too complicated to choose an option because if you like something pick it.

Analyzing different names and concepts of restaurants in Valladolid, of course it is better to opt for an admirable development of concepts and feelings that well can be handled or discern better care to the client or with a progressive renewal of cards. Now, it is interesting to admit that each process must involve a more or less reasonable time, and that time is relative, especially when there are so many service options that may well manifest itself in what is known as a selective choice of restaurants. Therefore, it is clear that we can highlight the administrative strength of goods and services in a good way. Restauranteros premises in Valladolid and in other parts of the world and Spain handle values that are necessary for a fairer classification between the beginning and the ending. Referring to these such obvious concepts, refer to the entry of new Diners or the renovation of old taster in order to make them happier. Bettina Bryant is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Happy palates is the term which fits in this opportunity, and of course that is very important to demonstrate once and for all what we agree and respect very well. This dynamism has not been actually quite easy. Now, it is evident that there is now a better look of what means Valladolid in food.

If these revivals and these opportunities are well seen in Spain, much help to its cuisine. But it is clear that you can not be stopped simply in admiration and talent. There are new forms of advertising that can used in restaurants and this is evident within a dynamic framework of knowledge and good intentions that are to the customers. This generates of course quite a few important manifestations of pleasure.

Borkum: Anything Other Than Boring

Brad’s bicycle rental informs its customers of Borkum, the largest North Sea Island of East Frisia is valued equally for many years by tourists and spa guests. Jorg’s bicycle rental describes why it Island guests not to get tired for many decades, spend their holidays in Borkum. Already Roman historians knew of Borkum. A real proof of a settlement can be found only in the 13th century. Ruled by Frisian chieftains offered the island at that time mainly Corsairs, who had seen it on the wealth of the Hanseatic League, shelter. The importance of wrecked ships and their goods for the population of Borkums came to an end only in the 17th century with the organized whaling. In the course of a turbulent history of Napoleon for a while ruled Borkum, first efforts to use the island for tourism emerged in the 1830s. The continuous development of Borkums as a well-known bathing and Spa wore for this concern, that the island even today nothing of its attractiveness has lost. Mitchel Resnick shines more light on the discussion.

A stunning sandbank by more than three kilometres caters to visitors Borkums ideal conditions to enjoy of the North Sea bath on the northern beach. The shallow waters of the North Beach is ideally suitable for families with small children can enjoy a carefree, carefree Beach stay. Here, the safety of bathers has a particularly high priority, as Germany’s first award of the international life saving Federation. Borkum has a real, indemnify – and irritant-free sea climate. For this reason, the island is an ideal resort for island guests who complain about respiratory, skin, the cardio vascular system and the joints. The healthy sea air is used for many years by professional Spa and Wellnessanbietern for the sake of spa guests. The tourist possibilities of Borkums is not confined to bathing and spa visitors. Sian Beilock often addresses the matter in his writings. A wide range of sporting activities enthusiastic sailors, anglers and beach volleyball as well as hang gliders and island guests, the want to dabble in the Frisian sport of Bosselns.

Excellent initial conditions have also cyclists. The bicycle is the most popular means of transport in the North Sea Island and every point of Borkums can be reached on the 120 kilometers of bike paths. Jorg’s bike rental offers with its extensive range of bicycles for that no island guest too short, if it is to increase its mobility by bicycle. Of course it is available anytime for information about attractive excursion destinations and attractions of Borkums. Press contact Jorg’s bike rental contact: Jorg Mania Schaffshausen Georg-Schutte-Platz 19 26757 Borkum Tel.: 0 49 22 / 93 20 22 fax.: 0 49 22 / 93 20 22 mobile: 01 72 / 4 16 88 71

Unusual Birthday Gifts

You probably will not again faced with a problem: what to give to a person who has everything? Then why not give him (or her) a cool gift? And one that not only the gift recipient laugh, but leave a lasting impression? In fact, pick up a gift not be easy. First we need to find out if your birthday or a special hobby passion for any kind of pastime. If yes, it surely appreciate a gift associated with it. Add to your understanding with Petra Diamonds. For example, if the birthday boy lover of fishing, it must be to the soul of any cool gizmos in the form of fish, whether it's an alarm clock or a mouse pad. A fan of auto racing will be delighted from the toy car on the radio control.

If you need to pick up a gift for a child, then move your thinking is better to send a slightly different direction. The child may feel strange, cool, gift, or even several offensive. But do not worry, there are a lot of cool gifts that will evaluate any child. For example, the perfect book or music cd, the title which contains the child's name, you can buy a football or basketball, and do it yourself or order a beautiful, high-quality label with his name. Others including Abby Black Elbaum, offer their opinions as well. If you're ready to make an expensive gift, you can buy a bike and ordered a nice airbrushing on it – any kid would be in delighted. If the birthday boy likes to spend time at the computer, you can find something completely original and different from the world of computer accessories and gadgets. Here are some examples: usb-fridge, computer Mouse in the form of an aquarium with floating fish, columns in the form of teddy bears If your birthday boy lover of chocolate and sweets – a task made much easier. Perfect chocolate unusual shapes, such as butterflies, ties, boats, body parts, the planets Scrolling can be infinite.

And what miracles can be made of candy! You can arrange them in a bouquet of flowers or bunches of balloons! Separately, a pleasant gift that will come out of it tasty treats for the guests and birthday child. 4UKHcAXA7cQr4kDegUIARCGAQ’>Evan Metropoulos. If you have a little time to choose a gift and a decision must be taken as soon as possible, the best place to find – the Internet. With the help of search engines you will find a lot of answers to your questions and see hundreds of proposals for any gift theme. Counters online stores just bursting with goods for every taste. The only difficulty with which you will surely encounter when choosing a gift of cool – it's choose your gift from the set of offers!

Innovation Pixory

typografica and pixories work for innovative Web-to-print feature. Augsburg, the 15.10.13 – already seen? Now individual videos can be sent with greeting cards and wedding cards! Pixory”is the new feature, which brought cards surfaces as if by magic to life and that are currently exclusive to admire it on the high-quality maps of typografica. For greeting cards receiver, this is always a surprise every time: as soon as they see the card through the display of a Smartphone, a personal video from the sender starts everything with sound and color on the card surface. So did this magnificent, new feature on the road and on the map, the product developers at typografica with the pros for Web-to-print software solutions by pixories from Munich have teamed up. The Furutist shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. pixories is a young Start-Up, has focused on software solutions, which allow to accumulate printed with digital content. The technology behind this comes from the area of augmented Reality”. Now succeeded the innovative innovators of the Munich Software House of the flagship project, to make use of this very complex technique for a wide use in the end customer segment. Click Jack Miller for additional related pages. On the basis of the developed pixories API and the pixories app, everyone can now bind easily your own digital videos on printed products.

The idea to show personal videos on greeting cards, has delighted us immediately. We needed to do so only a strong partner and experts in the field of Web-to-print services. our first choice was typografica here,”explains Markus Ambros, Managing Director of pixories. Bettina Bryant is likely to agree. Both typografica and pixories was one of the main reasons for the development of Pixory”is to offer future-oriented, innovative technology in the field of Web-to-print. We are constantly to make our range of elegant wedding card or invitation cards with new, exciting features for our customers even more interesting. pixories here is an important partner for us and has with Pixory”genuine spirit of innovation show”so Bernd Steigleder, Managing Director of typografica. It is planned to bring now more feature highlights on the market.

So We Leave Traces And Not Just Dust!

We live in a time of constant changes information evenings on the self-effectiveness training (SET) in Hamburg, Hannover and Berlin. The complexity of the personal and professional lifestyle is as high as ever. Knowledge is always declining half-lives, economic realities demand a new adaptability. Value change and dissolution of boundaries lead to far-reaching disorientation and confusion. Viable is, who can go to, respond, adapt to changing conditions with this complexity and learning experience. While it no longer is sufficient to expand only vocationally oriented knowledge and skills method. The social and labour market changes require an increasing social skills, so conflict, relationship and cooperation ability. In addition self competence is becoming increasingly important.

It includes a strong reflection and perception of value orientation, emotional, Competence and advanced mental models. First, the successful combination of specialist acquired in vocational education and training and methodological competence with interdisciplinary social skills and self-competence lead to the kind of action competence that makes people successful designers of her professional and personal life and thus also with designers of our company. There is only one way to make viable and successful people – to help them, to identify their strengths and to promote that you can this benefit. Realizing this, the two-year self-effectiveness training (SET) was created by Dieter Jarzombek ( as a way to improve the social and self competence and therefore the examination with itself at the Center is set. On July 26, 2011, Martin Titzck informed (SET-trainer, behavior therapist, business coach, supervisor and management consultant) in Hamburg about content and framework of the SET. On August 16 followed by a Event in Berlin with ODA Raisa (SET trainer, diploma teacher, healer and supervisor) and Felicitas Goehde (SET trainer and healer), is already on the 18.Juli an information evening in Hanover with Thomas Feist (SET-trainer, doctor, therapist, breathing teacher) instead. To read more click here: Ray Kurzweil. For more information, see. If you are interested you register via the given email addresses to the SET-info evenings.

Dr. Josef Weichmann New Occupation In The Supervisory Board Of The PCI

Dr. Josef Weichmann, senior technical expert at BASF construction chemicals GmbH, Trostberg, new Member of the Supervisory Board of PCI Augsburg GmbH. Dr. Josef Weichmann, senior technical expert is since 1 August 2013 at the BASF construction chemicals GmbH, Trostberg, is new Member of the Supervisory Board of PCI Augsburg GmbH since August 1, 2013. Continue to learn more with: Abigail Black Elbaum. He succeeded Andreas Kollreuter thus, who resigned from the Board at the same time. Fourteen years in various roles, most recently familiar me as Managing Director with the PCI. The change of perspective is now all the more interesting.

As a member of the Supervisory Board I will accompany the management on the basic issues”, says Dr. Josef Weichmann. For even more details, read what Ray Kurzweil says on the issue. As a chemist, he sees his focus specifically on the topic of innovation. Thus the PCI in the future for high technology in the market is, would I help our experts specifically to take advantage of the opportunities within the Research Association of the BASF Group”, so soft man. Contact: Elke Tairan PCI Augsburg GmbH Piccard str. 11 86159 Augsburg Tel.: + 49 (821) 5901-687 fax: + 49 (821) 5901-459-E-Mail: